63 definitions by Harry

the best goddamn place in the world..where ass is incredibly easy to get and ppl are AWESOME all of the freaking time.
dude I wanna be happy so im gonna take a little trip down to NYC..
by Harry October 11, 2003
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1).A chic with a huge camel-toed pussy that shows shows no matter what she's wearing.

2).A pussy with a lot of meat...bigger than your fist!
Man, that chic's pussy's bigger than your fist!!
by Harry November 2, 2004
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the hanging mass that often sways just between the knees of morbidly obeise females.
Your momma is so fat she nearly trips on her own plostractis
by Harry April 16, 2003
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Used to describe a gay person or act
sk-Clar is a fgtz, Teh car sk-Clar drives is teh fgtz lolz
by Harry January 9, 2004
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a better way to describe <3, because emo kids ruined <3.

and now <3 sucks.

and plus, <3 can be turned into 3> which is an ass hat.
harry: hey shelby, i love you
shelby: i love you too E>
by Harry July 19, 2005
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many prison inmates whacking off on a cracker, the last one to perform this action eats the cracker
Timothy McVeigh now gets to enjoy the pleasure and nutritional factors of playing penitentiary darts.
by Harry January 21, 2003
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Chip tunes music is music made from 8bit sound synths (atari/c64/NES).
Chippin' is when you are partying it up to some chip tunes.
Man last night i was drinkin' and Chippin' All over town last night
by Harry August 3, 2008
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