2 definitions by Hardened shell

When your partner has explosive diarrhea and you insert your penis into their balloon knot to slow and/or stop the brown river. This creates a butt plug. When you remove your penis you let the liquid shits dry creating a hardened shell and mud hut appearance.
Steve: I don’t know what I ate but I am shitting water.

Leo: Don’t worry Steve, I’ll take care of your anal spillage lickety-split with a Tanzanian Mud Hut !!!
by Hardened shell October 25, 2019
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When in a new relationship, the female offers the male butt sex before vaginal intercourse.
George: Hey, how are things working out with that new girl you are seeing?

Brandon: Awesome, after we got home from go-kart racing she gave me insta-anus.
by Hardened shell October 26, 2019
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