4 definitions by Hank the Tank

Verb; an involuntary movement resulting from a barrage of random alcoholic beverages.
Jason drank too many beers now he is doing the Bolton Shuffle.
by Hank the Tank September 6, 2013
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See Also: Andy walking at 4AM
Andy was too wasted to do the walton shuffle so we had to carry his irish ass inside
by Hank the Tank August 13, 2003
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when a chick bones a guy out of sympathy
The only reason I've had sex is because of mary rotten-crotch's charity work
by Hank the Tank August 13, 2003
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Short for re-model, but really meaning "to destroy" in regard to a sexual or vulgar manner.
"bro, last night I totally RE-MO'd that chicks vag." or "dude, I drank too much Kickin Chicken (Wild Turkey) stop the car before I RE-MO the back of your Avalanche!!"
by Hank the Tank October 4, 2005
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