5 definitions by HR

Refers to a person who’s ‘fresh off the boat’: a recent immigrant. Does NOT refer to just middle-eastern people* as bronky incorrectly stated. Other variations: FOBERS

dude, bronky doesn’t even know how to spell. He’s such a frickin fober.
by HR May 4, 2005
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Another variation to the word fober; plural
I hope no fobers read my definition of the word purple.
by HR May 4, 2005
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What a person says after just barely finishing his/her taxes before the deadline with a few minutes to spare!
Q. Did you finish your taxes on time?

A. Yeah, I just barely finished my frickin taxes on time, and now I owe the fuckin government so much money!
by HR May 3, 2005
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What a FOB East Indian person says inadvertently when trying to say the word PEOPLE.
FOBer: The most thing I hate about purple here is that they think I stink.
by HR May 4, 2005
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Haitik means a boy who makes your heart beat. He is like moon who glows the place when he is full on energy
Ohhh did you watch moon today . Yes I met haitik just a minute ago.
by HR November 23, 2021
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