2 definitions by Gympy

To pour for oneself or for a friend of oneself a more than generous glass of whisky. Michael Jordan always pours himself a Jordan as evidenced by the large glass of whisky on the end table during an interview in "The Last Dance."
Question: Hey, want to come over and watch episode 3 of "The Last Dance"?

Answer: You know it. I'll be right over. We can pour a Jordan or two.
by Gympy May 15, 2020
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A unique form of tiredness which replaces being hungover in select individuals; The superhuman ability to become intoxicated multiple nights in a row but never suffer the ill effects of a hangover thr following day.
"Wow. What a night. We drank like we did 20 years ago in college. I am soooooo hungover. How do you feel?"

"I'm Jacqi tired. Gonna go do a PB 10k today."
by Gympy January 23, 2021
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