11 definitions by Gwando

as in the herpes simplex, a disease you gits from ho's

a large group of simple people.
that simplex, they all got the bus into town and wus so stupid they all got the herpes simplex and the crabs from the local hookers! Then they done given it to their wives! SHIT!
by Gwando November 9, 2003
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"...is as crazy as hitler day"
Dude1- what yo doin' columbus day?
Dude2- If you heard i was celebratin' that's a world-wide LIE!
by Gwando November 9, 2003
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EITHER- A person who believes that all of the world's problems cannot be solved by bombing
OR - A lazy middle class rich kid with nothing better to do, or a hippie.
Dude- Are you standing outside your school in the buff because you think it is wrong to bomb the shit out of a country that has violated no treaties and has committed no acts of aggression, on falsified evidence, killing 50,000 men women and children?
RICH KID- Nah, because all my friends are, and otherwise i'd have math.
by Gwando November 9, 2003
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aint in that game bitch. Info that dude cut 'n' pasted is accurate.
The weapon you usually see terrorists and pretty much every middle eastern or african military / para-military group carrying around like they the ass is the AK-47, the most commonly produced automatic rifle in history, used by them cos they poor.
Bin Laden rammed his AK firmly up George W.'s Ass.
by Gwando November 9, 2003
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A loser
A beatiful Japanese WW" fighter
NOT a number
by Gwando November 9, 2003
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Involves crabs and dangling, ie one from the southern states infested with lice, engaging in acrobatic intercourse, with man woman or beast.
Cleetus crab dangled the prize hog, when his momma found out she burned his pubes off wid a blow torch till he wus clean
by Gwando November 9, 2003
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large ring of water surrounding a castle
OR the gigantic golden toilet of a very rich man.
"holy shit, you shoulda seen that rich guys moat!"
"he got a castle?!"
"no, stupid, the TOILET"
by Gwando November 9, 2003
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