3 definitions by Gus gay

National titty flash day part 2.

If you missed October 27 how’s your chance to get that titty flash from someone special.
Happy October 29 flash dem tittys girl.
by Gus gay October 28, 2020
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If you know a jhett Stanford he is probably a fat chonk who eats chonk chode and has five nine year Olds in his basement. He most likely plays a PS4 because he isn't gay
by Gus gay March 18, 2020
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these bunch of sick cunts are the best team in smcfl fucking history. you’d be lucky to come out with a win playing these absolute legends. they are the superior team railing the pawnstars (shit cunts tbh) and would most likely pull your mum
the titsburgh feelers are sick cunts
by Gus gay June 28, 2021
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