2 definitions by Grooverider13

High on fashion, living life to the fullest everyday! Always a trend setter, blazing the trails for others to follow. Will never bow down, only look ahead to her next conquest. Too busy to be bothered by petty inconveniences such as physics and politics... She is in a world of her own and draws others into it creating a reality of her choosing. Nothing is too difficult, just too boring. A free spirit who transcends simple things such as gravity.
by Grooverider13 February 4, 2010
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In german means - Death of the day.

Dark and mysterious with stunningly good looks. A darkangel. Highly creative in music and art. Siren voice that could seduce or destroy. The leader of the pack without assuming so, likes to stay in the background, but everyone knows who to ask for direction and ideas. Always conflicted within the light and the dark, walking the line between the two as easy as a tightrope walker.
by Grooverider13 February 4, 2010
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