36 definitions by Greenie

Marked by sameness and a lack of originality; mass-produced. Often used to describe suburban housing developments where all of the houses are based on the same blueprints and are differentiated only by their color.
I wouldn't live in one of those ugly cookie-cutter houses for a million dollars.
by Greenie March 24, 2004
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The World Wide Web. Derived from the acronym WWW. The term is mildly ironic, since it uses the cadence of gangsta slang to refer to something decidedly un-gangsta.
You can download our MP3s from the triple dub.
by Greenie March 24, 2004
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When the man puts his tongue up the anus of another man then swirls his tongue around as the other man deficates and the resultant faeces looks like a hurricane. the faeces is then eaten by both parties.
Guy 1) dude i could go for an ice cream right about now
Guy 2) lets just have a brown hurricane
by Greenie April 18, 2005
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An imaginary ambulance that comes when shit heads don't have a leeeeeeg. Someone who always gets randomly stressed out and needs a cry is in dire need for a wambulance.
shithead: waaa waaa waaa
man: shut-up Kerr...have a wambulance
by Greenie May 5, 2005
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To have a leeeeeg is to chillout and relax because you are buggin' out. Dickheads often use this word in particular the creator.
leeeeegee) Oh man why did you do that?
leeeeeger) Have a leeeeeg man!!
by Greenie May 6, 2005
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Meaning, to dig through the trash. Comes from "Jasper," the name of someone notorious for messing with trash cans.
I dropped my ring in the garbage and had to jasp for it.
by Greenie November 15, 2004
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1 dodgy, sketchy, scary.
2 freekishly or scarily good.
Background - developed from sketchy on the northern beaches of sydney.
1 "That Texas Chainsaw movie is so etch"
2 (tone in awe)"etccccccccccch"
by Greenie June 22, 2004
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