6 definitions by Grand Firctionary

An assistant to a chiropractor that sleeps with the doctor and the patients.
That neighbor of ours is such a chiroslut to screwing the whole clinic.
by Grand Firctionary March 30, 2017
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Noun - a person who exposes their buttcrack in public, likes to steal stuff off porches to support their crack and meth habits, a does it in a cool climate during the cold months.

Verb - The talented act of inserting crystal meth into your buttcrack to make it cold.
Noun - That hater Carol was such a buttcrack Coolidge for stealing my Christmas decorations.

Verb - Give that ice a buttcrack Coolidge so the haters can get a fresh tasting jail burrito.
by Grand Firctionary March 30, 2017
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Noun: A type of doctor who is able to outwit society by using medical quackery and claims that he/she is an expert at every subject.
The proud doctor was a self proclaimed insurance, landscaping, military, and Sno-Cone expert.
by Grand Firctionary January 17, 2014
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Noun: a person who engages in frivolous lawsuits

Verb: the act of suing someone over something that is not their fault
The landscaper pulled a crandall on the property manager for allowing it to rain on his property.
by Grand Firctionary February 5, 2014
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Noun - a gay male who thinks they are straight who gets laid by a ho.

Verb - the act of sticking a finger in an anus during a massage
Noun - I just found out my wife's boss was a lahoe after I found her Juicy pants floating in his hot tub.

Verb - The chiropractor slipped his patient a lahoe during a routine adjustment
by Grand Firctionary March 31, 2017
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Noun: a vehicle utilized by the dirt whisperer to move dirt that may cause damage to septic and sprinkler systems.
The bobcat was used to degrade the backyard but ended up causing damage to someone else's property.
by Grand Firctionary February 5, 2014
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