1 definition by Gorgieboy

A British/Scottish football club who think they are Irish. Since 1888 it has been sectarian by its nature. They hate everything non catholic most notably by the failure to offer Jock Stein a place on its board and its fans hatred to clubs whose fans and players are non catholic.
Its support and players actively support Irish terrorism and sing songs of hate against everything British including the british armed services.

Like the Catholic Church, Celtic has covered up sexual abuse of young boys for its own preservation most notably by its greatest manager Jock Stein and captain Billy McNeil who described it as an open secret. The fans of the club are racist,intolerant and sectarian and bring nothing but shame on law abiding Scots. The mocking of the 9/11 planes gesture to Claudio Reya was a disgrace as was the mocking of the Ibrox Disaster and the death of Davie Cooper which goes beyond any sporting rivalry and death threats to the spaniard Nacho Novo and his family. When Mark Walters came to play at Ibrox his first visit to Parkhead was marred by bananas being flung at him by Celtic fans. More recently the racist taunts of El hadji Diouf another example of Celtic fans intolerance to people of colour. Both current and former players are ofter seen at IRA Fundraisers and Rebel Nights singing songs of hate and sectarianism.
Ooh ah up the Ra - a song by Celtic Fans in support of the IRA
They all fell down the stairs haha - a song sung mocking the 1971 Ibrox Disaster.
SHAME-faced Celtic idol Frank McAvennie last night claimed he doesn't even know the words to the IRA anthem he was filmed boozily singing.
McAvennie, 51, sparked a fresh bigotry storm after he led Hoops fans in a chorus of the Boys Of The Old Brigade.
A Celtic fan made the plane gesture toward Reyna as he was taking a corner kick.
"I did honestly think about it afterward and I was surprised," Reyna told STV Scotland Today.
Pervert football boss Jim Torbett terrorised a generation of young Celtic players. The trusted team chief lured innocent lads with promises of the big time. Then the Celtic Boys' Club supremo molested the babes who idolised him.

Depraved Torbett, 50, is still a major figure in the Parkhead talent nursery.
by Gorgieboy September 5, 2011
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