31 definitions by Gojai

The act of over-analyzing a decision. Unwillingness to come to a decision.
I told her to give me quick decision and not to mind fuck it to death.
by Gojai August 24, 2017
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Usually people at a party or job who you don't know; neighbors you don't know. Locals you meet while travelling.
The unknowns have taken over that place, I don't go there anymore.
by Gojai August 23, 2017
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To have diarrhea, the product left in the toilet consisting of very soft stools
Gross, somebody didn't flush that stinkin' Chili Bowl
by Gojai August 23, 2017
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The vagina of any woman who is unresponsive while having sex; vagina of a partner with whom you are bored.
Man, I am so tired of visiting the Ice Cave, it's time for some fresh meat.
I can't stand her and the ice cave, I am moving on
by Gojai August 23, 2017
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When preparing for surgery or colonoscopy, the final product left in the toilet in the process of clearing the bowels; a yellowish broth-like and liquid bowel movement.
The doctor asked the nature of my last bowel movement prior to the procedure; I told her I had chicken soup.
by Gojai August 23, 2017
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Cruising a town, meat market or any location in the search for a new sex partner; usually for one night only
We went trolling last night and hooked up with some Danish girls
by Gojai August 23, 2017
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Heroin; a term used widely in the 1960's, shorthand for heroin.
H-time, baby, I'm going to settle in. Hell, yeah...
by Gojai August 30, 2017
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