4 definitions by Gohound

(Verb) A 'portmanteau' consisting of the words Jacket and Huffing.

The act of sniffing an individual's scent off an article of clothing that said individual discarded or left behind accidentally. Typically committed towards a person who is known to have a distinct or pleasant smell. Used in a negative connotation, as it is often done in secret - albeit harmless. The enthusiasm and force of the inhalation usually increases with the creepiness of the one practicing the behavior.

Not to be confused with the homosexual act.
Jacob left his zip-up sweater behind after the party. After noticing he had forgotten it I was innocently Juffing it, wondering if he wears some sort of cologne.
by Gohound October 11, 2012
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The feeling you get when you switch or close an internet browser tab on a computer for a perfectly normal reason the moment another person walks by in view of the monitor. Typically inherited from repeated cases of having an individual ask "what were you looking at?"
My mom walked into my room the instant I closed Internet Explorer. I was only closing my Steam account, but I bet she thought I was browsing porn. It's probably just my Tab Paranoia.
by Gohound October 11, 2012
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The poor design strategy used by Video Game designers in which they fill the game with ridiculously obvious clues and instructions in order to explain to the player what is happening or what must be accomplished in the game. Typically used to aid todays younger audience in gaming.

Batman would just not stop reminding me I had to get to the Bell Tower while I was playing Arkham City. It's too bad that game was noobified.

I hate it when I have to follow a certain person in a game and there is a giant Las Vegas-like sign above them that says "FOLLOW". Noobification strikes again.
by Gohound October 10, 2012
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A genuine underground music lover that does not look down on, patronize, or belittle others for liking popular artists, but instead, introduces them to musicians they had not previously heard of or known about which they would more than likely appreciate. This certain person also does not discriminate towards a musician or group based on their popularity, and will listen to any music they truly enjoy, impartially. Not simply a music geek; carries an astute ideology on music which was passed on to them through the artists' work they indulge in. Has intentions to indirectly educate those around them about the true, unstructured beauty of music.

(Not necessarily a member of a defined or established group.)
Friend: "Hey, have you heard Nirvana's song Lake of Fire from their Unplugged album? It's so great!"

Underground Disciple: "Yeah it is awesome! The song is actually by the band Meat Puppets along with the track Plateau.

Friend: "Huh, really?"

UD: "Yup. The guitarist and bass player from the Meat Puppets are actually on stage with Kurt playing their songs with him."

Friend: "That's neat, I never knew that."

UD: "Yeah. To be honest though, I prefer Kurt's rendition."

Friend: "Yeah, he's pretty talented. Hey, you feel like hitting up Amoeba Records?"

UD: "Sure!"
by Gohound October 11, 2012
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