23 definitions by Godfather

A weird canadian name.. also refer to loera
The Maloeran is the gayest Gameadmin
by Godfather May 10, 2003
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A band in Memphis TN, that plays blue, rock, and funk, and throws one HELL of a show.
by Godfather February 17, 2005
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The act of pursuing happiness and self destruction at the same time.
"How can I be so thirsty this morning when I drank so much last night?"
by Godfather June 29, 2005
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An awesome food product used in all sorts of food creations as well as used on its own, can lead to sexual pleasure with partner if used in the proper manner. Can also have side effects such as the bending of your toes backwards
"oh look a chocolate bar" eats chocolate "omg my toes are bending backwards!"
by Godfather October 21, 2008
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Mrs. Barth and her gay ass son.
Ryan saw Mrs. Barth and her gay ass son in the gay bar.
by Godfather September 1, 2004
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A remote administration tool developed by the cdc which allows a user to control a computer across a tcpip connection.

In simpler terms, it gives someone more control over a computer than the person sitting at the console, and the person at that box has next to no way of detecting Back Orifice once it's been installed on the computer.

Back Orifice gives control of such things including, but not limited to: the file system, the computer's processes and registry, and any multimedia devices attached (webcams, etc.). A hacker would also be able to retrieve almost any information cached by the OS, including any passwords that are used by the computer's owner/operator.

The only real cure for a computer infected with Back Orifice would be to reformat your hard drive, since BO can be configured to attach itself to just about everything.
-My company's network administrator installed Back Orifice on all of our network computers so that he would have a greater amount of control over them.

-Awww, shit! I picked up Back Orifice somewhere and now I've lost all my files to some god-damn hacker.
by Godfather July 16, 2005
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