2 definitions by Gluff

A dumb term used by these guys. Reactionist are not to be confused with reactors for they are original. Reactionist are not original. In fact they're terrible.

Why are they terrible? Well here's what they do: they watch a video and they react to it. You may be saying to yourself "Well that doesn't sound too bad." Well here's the thing: they aren't even creative about it. No editing, no jokes, nothing. They play the video and its entirety and give the occasional "oh shit" or "dayum" while rambling on at the end.

You may be saying, "Well ok, that sounds bad, but it's not like their hurting anybody right?" Well here's the thing: THEY ARE.

Let's say a YouTuber made an animation and he/she uploaded it to YouTube. He/she worked really hard on it and they could really use the views for money. A reactionist uploads a reaction to it. Now an average viewer could stumble across the video but instead of watching the animator's version, the viewer watches the reactionist's video. The viewer doesn't watch the animator's version because he/she already watched the reactionist's version. The reactionist gets the money when it should be going to the animator's.

Again, there's a difference between a reactor and a reactionist. A reactor doesn't show the whole video.

Also don't believe it's helping a channel who wants advice. It's called a review.

In the end, reactionists are terrible people whose channels should be taken down. They're shitty videos for twats.
I uploaded a video but a reactionist got all the money.

by Gluff February 17, 2016
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A site that was once about, well, you is now about whoever makes the most money.

Are you an animator? YouTube doesn't give two shits and they'll never support you.
Do you want to be a critic? Ha! If you want to get a copyright strike then go for it!
Do you want to express your opinion? Get ready to be hated and get your channel taken down for no reason?
Do you want to do anything creative? Go fuck yourself - YouTube

If you want to be successful, do something easy like becoming a let's player or a vlogger. Oh yeah, and make sure you have a pretty face so idiots can fantasize on being in bed with you.
Or you could become the utter scum of YouTube and become a reactionist. What's a reactionist? They're basically people who watch a video and do nothing but yell, "oh shit" or "dayum!" without being creative. In fact, they steal the video!

So there you have it. A site that can be amazing but chooses to be shit.
Hey my channel got taken down!
YouTube: Fuck you.
by Gluff February 17, 2016
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