24 definitions by GlennyJ

stupidly educated:

(verb; past tense)

- describes the learning experience (and/or present cognitive state) of person who was duped into believing lies, nonsense and ideas which have no merit or basis in sound evidence, real experience, accurate observation, proper rationality or good reason; as a result, these people generally predominantly think about important matters illogically and irrationally, due to being indoctrinated by their education system, their political affiliations, their religion, their society, etc.
Ex. 1

Jim: Did you know that Stephen Hawking thinks that the Universe started from nothing and that we could all get sucked into a Black Hole?
Bob: Yes.

Jim: Why do you think that is?
Bob: That's easy. Stephen is 'stupidly educated'.


Ex. 2

Jim: Did you know that Jane thinks that one man can sacrifice himself and die, to forgive another man's crimes and sins?
Bob: Yes.

Jim: Why do you think that is?
Bob: That's easy. Jane was 'stupidly educated'.


Ex. 3

Jim: What is with the kids and adults who can barely communicate, think and speak clearly, these days?
Bob: That's easy. Most people have become 'stupidly educated'.
by GlennyJ December 6, 2013
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1. A person who does not like Rob Ford.

2. A person who does not think that the crack smoking Rob Ford should be the Mayor of Toronto.

3. A person who discriminates against people who do think Rob Ford should be the Mayor of Toronto.

4. A Person who does not like Ford motor products, is afraid of Ford products, and discriminates against people who drive Ford products.

5. People who shamelessly drive Chevs and other brands of vehicles and pretend Fords do not exist.

6. People who avoid Fords.

7. People who avoid Rob Ford.
Jim: Do you think Rob Ford should still be the Mayor of Toronto?

Bob: Sure! Rob Ford is THE MAN !!!

Jim: Well, I certainly don't think so!

Bob: Yeah. That's because you, Jim ... yes, you sir ... are a RAGING Fordophobic!
by GlennyJ November 9, 2013
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The 'greed-intelligence paradox' states that a person cannot be both greedy and intelligent because the two traits are mutually exclusive.

The 'greed-intelligence paradox' encompasses the more detailed 'greed-intelligence inverse correlation', which explains a lot about leaders and people.

The 'greed-intelligence inverse correlation' explains the 'generally true' relationships between levels of greed and overall intelligence within an individual: put simply, greedy people are not particularly intelligent, and intelligent people are not particularly greedy (this would be the general form of the 'greed-intelligence inverse correlation').

These are the 'generally true' statements of the 'greed-intelligence inverse correlation':

- The greedier a person is, the less intelligent that person is.
- The less greedy is a person is, the more intelligent that person is.
- The more intelligent a person is, the less greedy that person is.
- The less intelligent a person is, the more greedy that person is.

In one extreme case of this 'greed-intelligence inverse correlation', we know it is impossible to amass and hoard incredibly large amounts of monetary and material wealth or even want it, while also being a truly highly intelligent person. Highly intelligent people do not hoard money or stuff, they want to enjoy life and nature, and they want to share what they have with others. Truly intelligent people are also honest.
ex. Nikola Tesla was unquestionably the most overall intelligent person who ever lived. Tesla spoke 6 languages, invented the modern AC motor and the radio, and was the most prolific inventor of all time. Tesla lived and died dirt poor and in financial debt. Humanity owes Tesla a great debt of gratitude for the amount of freedom (and liberty from toil) his inventions have afforded mankind. Tesla was an extreme example of the validity of greed-intelligence paradox.

ex. International bankers profit from all major modern global military conflicts and wars --- promoting the killing of innocent people is financially profitable but not intelligent behaviour.

ex. The 'greed-intelligence paradox' explains that exclusively unintelligent people make up the class of incredibly wealthy people (the ruling class) on the planet, which explains why planet Earth is in such a mess from economic, environmental, moral and social perspectives. It is quite evident that wealthy unintelligent people are running and ruining the planet.

*** People have no business equating high net worth with high intelligence --- precisely the inverse is true. ***
by GlennyJ November 10, 2013
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