24 definitions by GlennyJ

The term 'intellectually juvenile' politely describes someone who is unintelligent, unwise or just not the 'sharpest knife in the drawer'.

The term 'intellectually juvenile' applies to a person, or group of people, who are not as developed in their thinking as they should be for their age, education, experience, geographical location, social environment, etc.

Background: Most of the people who are constantly calling other people 'stupid' are well known to be 'not-so-bright-themselves', and thus the word 'stupid' has lost its credibility and power as a descriptive term. The word 'stupid' is overused, low brow and passé.


Jim: Glenn! Did you just call me stupid !?!

Glenn: No, Jim. However, I most certainly implied that you are 'intellectually juvenile'. (said while smiling and in a nice tone)


Jim: OK! I thought you were calling me stupid, and, I was about to get very upset. Sorry.

Glenn: That's OK Jim. Most 'intellectually juvenile' people are blissfully unaware when a person calls them out on their errors, nonsense and lies, and they are generally oblivious when a sentient uses accurate, basic and descriptive words to describe 'intellectually juvenile' people to themselves.


Jim: You are a great friend, Glenn!

Glenn: I know. (smiling that smile he is well known for)
by GlennyJ November 20, 2013
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'economically religious' is a descriptive term which refers to the belief system and mindset of a person (or group of people) who care much more about money, finances and the economy than absolutely anything else (including, but not limited to, their own health, other people's health and their local or global environments)

supporting background:

- people who are 'economically religious' promote their destructive and unfair totalitarian ideology based in authoritarian control and materialism

- sadly, to a moralist, and in truth, there appears to be a much greater percentage of the world's population who are 'economically religious' than those who are not 'economically religious', and, both groups seem incredibly strange to one another

- like many false deities and false doctrines, economies are not real things; they are merely concepts and ideas which are continually morphing and inevitably lead to compliance and control of large groups by authority figures

- financially poor people are not immune from becoming 'economically religious'; very few people on this planet are immune to this 'mind poison'
ex. (1) All bankers and most politicians are 'economically religious'.
ex. (2) The people who truly manipulate and run the economies of the world depend on the masses being 'economically religious'.
ex. (3) When the 'economically religious' movement hits a critical mass level, their hedonism will destroy planet Earth.
ex. (4) Glenn Jessome is one individual, living in the modern world, who is not 'economically religious'. This makes him 'seem' strange.
ex. (5) The elite within the 'economically religious' are behind all major wars and conflicts, hunger and unnecessary spread of preventable diseases.
ex. (6) Neither cave men nor the characters of Star Trek were 'economically religious', so it is possible that humanity can exist without this destructive materialistic totalitarian ideology, although most people are too 'economically indoctrinated' to comprehend this fact.
ex. (7) Since the advent of money as a means to facilitate trade, Diogenes of Sinope was one of the greatest people to push back against initiatives of the 'economically religious'. As the 'story' goes, apparently Jesus pushed back against the money changers in the temple by tipping over their trade tables and even whipped the money changers to get them out of the place of worship. In modern times only Iceland seems to have made some progress against the initiatives of debt-slavery by the elites of the 'economically religious'.
by GlennyJ November 8, 2013
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A follower of the advise, mind and values of Nikola Tesla.
Tesla stated that his purpose in life was to uplift the condition of humanity.

ex. Glenn Jessome was a Teslarian.
by GlennyJ November 6, 2013
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A person who is afraid of crackheads and discriminates against people who smoke crack.
Jim: Do you think Rob Ford should still be the Mayor of Toronto?
Bob: Sure! Rob Ford is THE MAN !!!

Jim: Well, I certainly don't think so!
Bob: Yeah. That's because you, Jim ... yes, you ... are a RAGING crackophobic!

ex. Glenn Jessome does not think that a crackhead should be a Mayor of a city because he is a shameless crackophobic.
by GlennyJ November 9, 2013
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A 'money zombie' is a person who exists and lusts for 'money' --- they are severely intellectually stunted and emotionally dead.

A 'money zombie' is a person who only predominantly considers society from economic and monetary perspectives, and they lack empathy.

A 'money zombie' is so cognitively impaired that they cannot meaningfully appreciate society from emotional, natural, physical or any other perspectives, and they always need more money and more stuff to exist --- they are not content unless they are earning, profiting or consuming. They will never experience or know true happiness, love or joy.

A 'money zombie' always need more MONEY and more STUFF, and if this greed drive ever stopped, they might actually come back to real life.
1) Today was Black Friday Sale Day in the USA, and the 'money zombies' were out in full force; and, they actually killed a Wal-mart employee.
2) You can go to Wal-mart and observe the 'money zombies' who are stuffing their faces and carts, with stuff they don't need using credit.
3) 'Money zombies' have existed since 'money' --- "Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing." (early 1900's quote)
4) If the 'money zombies' numbers keep growing there may be an economic zombie apocalypse.
by GlennyJ November 30, 2013
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- is the END of the naturally functioning modern global society due to hyper-masculinization of woman and hyper-feminization of men, and the END of traditional gender roles, which is also characterized by the preferential treatment of women combined with shameless bashing of men and bashing of all things male by both men and women

Background: mainstream psychology, political correctness, psycho-babble, and the Communist Manifesto are setting the correct conditions for the Femapocalypse to to grow and proliferate around the world --- no nation is safe from the Femapocalypse


Jim: Did you hear about the dude in Australia that had his junk bitten by his crazy woman while HE was sleeping?

Bob: Yes.

Jim: Did you hear how HE was given 3 months in jail and a $2000.00 fine, and SHE was not charged with biting his penis and making it bleed?

Bob: Yes.

Jim: Why do you think that is?

Bob: Oh, that is easy. It is a just sign of the Femapocalypse.
by GlennyJ December 18, 2013
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The one (rumoured-to-exist) woman who comes off as a complete lady of the highest order, while in public. She encompasses elegance, grace, poise and refinement. She is compassionate, intelligent, and kind. She is incredibly fit and has the nicest figure a man could imagine. She dresses in a conservatively sexy manner and has great taste in clothes. She never dresses like a slut, no matter what the occasion (i.e. She does not take part in Slut-O-Ween, or wear yoga pants in public.)

However, contrary to her conservative appearance, she becomes a savage when engaging in sexual activity, and she will push sexual boundaries to their animalistic limits, but not go too far. Her natural ability, desire and skills required to pleasure both her man and herself knows no equal. No man or woman, who only knows of her in pubic, would ever even suspect that her animalistic 'other side' exists.

She transcends the proverbial 'lady in the streets, whore in the sheets', and is the female version of a sexual Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. Oddly, she does not want to sleep with any 'other' guy she meets because she is completely focused with pleasing her one man --- the man who discovers her true identity.


- Many women appear prim proper while in public, and they ARE sexual prudes in private. (no surprises here)
- Many women appear slutty in public, and they ARE slutty in private. (no surprises here)
- The elusive monogamous slutsquatch would both rock and shock the man who found her.
ex. I thought my then-girlfriend (???) was the elusive monogamous slutsquatch, however, I left her alone for a week and she slept with her ex-boyfriend. Then she started checking out other men and commenting on them, in sexual manner, in front of both her young daughter and myself (which is quite classless). Yeah, (???) was not the elusive monogamous slutsquatch, but we had some great and memorable times together while I was investigating the possibility that she was the one.

*** The elusive slutsquatch's existence has NOT been verified, however, some men have claimed to have 'thought' they observed her in both her natural habitats (in public, and in private). She is widely rumoured to exist, but sadly there is no verification. She could be caught right now, and no one would know because of the aforementioned attributes. ***
by GlennyJ November 10, 2013
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