24 definitions by GlennyJ

Bob: Is the government of Toronto a democracy?
Jim: No!

Bob: Well. What the hell is it then?
Jim: Toronto is a crack-ocracy, of course.

Bob: Jim, you are a raging Ford-ophobic, a shameless crackophobic and you have no respect for Toronto's crackstitution!
by GlennyJ November 9, 2013
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insanely sane:

- describes the mind of a person who is RIGHT concerning most important events and new discoveries, when others are either ignorant or WRONG about the same specific topics (the 'insanely sane' only 'seem' crazy to most people, yet they are sane, and are not often wrong)

- describes the thinking of a highly intelligent person who has acute cognition, has situational awareness and uses logic; the 'insanely sane' seem like a freaks to others; others seem like zombies to the 'insanely sane'; thus, the 'insanely sane' keep a very small inner circle of family and friends


The double meaning with this seemingly-oxymoronic term stems from the 'insanely' connotations of 'extremely' and the slightly-less-obvious 'seemingly insane'.

'Insanely sane' people inevitable change status quo thinking and move the world towards progress; they uplift the condition of humanity with their initiatives and truths while inevitably enduring false accusations of 'insanity' and unjust ridicule.

An 'insanely sane' person extremely passionate about discovering new knowledge and ensuring they are correct about important matters, knows for certain that they are truthful, right or undecided, and will not back down from pressure being applied to them via unjust, illogical, irrational and unwarranted opposition. The 'insanely sane' merely appear insane to people whose thinking is illogical, irrational and wrong but passionately 'believe' they are right.
Large groups of disingenuous, insentient and untruthfully people vehemently (and often violently) oppose the 'insanely sane'.

Most people are unaware of of the existence, nature, prevalence and validity of the 'ad populum' logical fallacy as it applies to the 'insanely sane'.

Nearly all of the valid arguments, sound logic, excellent reasoning and new truths of the 'insanely sane' are generally easily dismissed by weaker minded members of society by invoking 'ad hominen' logically fallacious attacks ... i.e. the 'insanely sane' are labelled 'conspiracy theorists', 'nutters', 'wackjobs', etc. and they are not accurately judged based upon the merit of their claims but based on fallacious and malicious attacks on their being and character.

Most people naturally assume 'the group' is right when an 'insanely sane' individual has an opposing or opposite opinion from the group, but that is not generally the case. In fact, the generally public (in the developed world) is so dumbed-down and manipulated by media that they are more often wrong than right on the most important topics.

'Insanely sane' people are generally ridiculed and persecuted by the majority of people who have little appreciation or understanding of the truth of a particular matter or event. Many 'insanely sane' people are destroyed by a relatively insentient public and die long before their discovered truths are accepted by the majority of people.

Ex. Nikola Tesla and GlennyJ were 'insanely sane'.
by GlennyJ December 9, 2013
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personality install:

- the desired (but presently impossible) procedure of installing a personality into a person who appears to have none

Background: Many 'non-contributting-zeros' and 'useless-eaters' would do better for themselves and society if they had dynamic and well functioning personalities, or just died. The percentage of the population which could use this procedure seems to be growing. The end game for the Zombie Apocalypse is to have robotic mindless people --- perhaps this fictitious concept of 'personality installs' might be able to thwart what seems to be coming.
Jim: Is it just me, or does that guy seem like a zombie to you too?
Bob: Oh yeah! That empty-vessel is a useless-eater who could use a 'personality install'.

Jim: I think Jane could do with a 'personality transplant'.
Bob: Jane would have to have one, first. What that non-contributing-zero needs is a 'personality install'.
by GlennyJ December 10, 2013
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1. Fordophobia is a condition where people are afraid of Rob Ford.

2. Fordophobia is a condition where people are afraid of Ford vehicles.
Ex. 1
Jim: Do you think Rob Ford should still be the Mayor of Toronto?

Bob: Sure! Rob Ford is THE MAN !!!

Jim: Well, I certainly don't think so!

Bob: Yeah. That's because you, Jim ... yes, you sir ... are a RAGING Fordophobic!

Ex. 2
Jim: Hey Bob! Did you look at the new lineup of Ford vehicles?
Bob: No!

Jim: Why not?
Bob: I was diagnosed with Fordophobia after the last Ford I owned.
by GlennyJ November 9, 2013
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emotionally hijack:

- the act of deliberately and successfully changing a particular person's (or group's) mood
Jim: We were having a great time, everyone was laughing their asses off, and then Karen walked in.
Bob: Let me guess, Karen started with her nonsense, emotionally hijacked everyone and ruined the mood.

Jim: Man, I was having a bad day, and then Glenn came in for a chat.
Bob: Let me guess, Glenn emotionally hijacked you and you had a super day!

The people who profit from 'mood disorders' do not believe in the fact that emotionally hijacking occurs all the time.
by GlennyJ December 12, 2013
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A governance document enforced and upheld by the leader of a government body who admits to smoking crack.
ex. Mayor Rob Ford enforces and upholds the crackstitution of the City of Toronto.
ex. Glenn Jessome cannot make sense of the government or legal systems of Toronto, because of the interpretations of their crackstitution.
ex. Not all of the people of Toronto smoke crack, however, 44% of them want to uphold the crackstitution.
by GlennyJ November 9, 2013
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double-handed rub:

- going at your gear and masturbating with two hands instead of one
- obviously, a GREAT masturbation technique which kind of explains itself


- Two hands are better than one.
- The male version usually involves massaging the grapes while cranking the sausage.
- The female version usually entails holding back the curtains while tickling the little-gal-in-the-boat.

Joe just discovered the 'double-handed rub' and now has to use speaker phone during phone sex with Val.


Val used to easily pleasure herself while she was driving, but since she discovered (and totally switched to) the 'double-handed rub', she either pulls her vehicle over to the side of the road or she drives with the cruise control on and steers with her nose or feet.
by GlennyJ December 10, 2013
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