11 definitions by Give me a beer in the c shop

A local fly by night kind of bar located in LA County. In this bar there’s always people talking shit… especially the cascade boys. The local sheriff is always packing his 6 shooter and breaking up fights and grabbing blondes phone numbers. This bar is the the IRS’s worst nightmare.
Hey sheriff, you want to go to bubbas pub and get shitfaced?
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The roughest toughest son of a bitch you know. This man drives the biggest ram truck and shows up to a gun fight with his fists. He ties barb wire without gloves and rides world champion bulls for 16 seconds. This man could light a marlboro red before it even leaves the pack. Death fears a cowboy and he fears nothing.
Did you boys see that cowboy break up that fight at the bar. He was stronger than steel and chalked up a Marlboro and then road the sunset.
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A word used to tell your friend that they need to quit shitting their pants in class, and that they need to keep drinking beers and doing ripper magoos.
Wade you need to Get a Clue and quit shitting your pants in class, and smoking cigarettes!!
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When a disc golfer shows up to the course wreaking of marijuana and whiskey. This disc golfer then falls over on every shot and throws all his discs into water hazards, known as coon bait!
Parker had the shittiest game of disc golf today, all he was throwing was coon bait!
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When a disc golfer shows up to the course intoxicated from whiskey and marijuana. This golfer usually shoots the worst score and walks around with his lip dragging on the ground. He also wears boots covered in bird shit and falls off the tee boxes because he is so drunk!
Did you guys see that pigeon shit yesterday?
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When a guy named wade absolutely smashes his tee off shot and nuts in his pants on hole 1. Wade must of did a ripper magoo in stall 4 and banged 25 hookers prior to his tee off.
Wow that guy just donged that homerun! He must of just did a ripper magoo in the dugout with coach hollensbe before taking his at bat!
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A guy who has the first name micky. Micky can shotgun a beer in 2.7 seconds, and bangs an average of 25 hookers a day. Micky loves to golf, and before each tee off he shotguns a Budweiser and smokes 4 cowboy killers.
Hey girls did you just see micky walk by, I really wish I was like him. Micky is such a stud muffin.
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