14 definitions by Giselle Gardonyi

Very thin/anorexic female socialite, From Tom Wolfe's Bonfire of the Vanities
Social x-rays embody the notion that "you can't be too rich or too thin"
by Giselle Gardonyi March 16, 2004
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Midwestern word meaning shallow, attractive, not too bright, young woman
Happy Hour at TGIFs was filled with fluff chicks
by Giselle Gardonyi July 6, 2004
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regular worker/employee. someone with no autonomy who must work to survive.
I am a wage slave at McDonalds
by Giselle Gardonyi March 16, 2004
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A dumb person. Insult found only on the TV show Degrassi Junior High.
Shut up Wheels, you broomhead!
by Giselle Gardonyi March 16, 2004
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