6 definitions by Gigafrost

1. Simply, an Epic Fail; but in presidential terms.

2. The worst seven years America has faced since Nixons time.

3. See chimpanzee
1. Who plays golf during the tragedy of 9/11? Bush Does!

2. Who raised tax prices, lowered educational funding, and increased housing prices for almost 4 years straight? Bush Did!

3. Who looks like he belongs in the show: Escape to Chimp Eden? Bush Does!

What a whaling fail...

by Gigafrost December 2, 2008
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Simply put: Trash. Well, They do have some good top ten music previews, but all of their reality shows are pure trash. most of the people on the shows act like they live in the urban/uptown areas or are from a completely different country (imports). In most of the shows like rock of love, I love money and charm school, they often have the following in common:

-stupid, territorial, woman with big boobs in low cut/skin tight shirts/skirts (see trashy or ghetto).
-rich male hosts who are often players and music producers (not many people know them though). They often enjoy it when the girls they are hosting with fight and then toss them away when they no longer can get any in between episodes.
-TV Time
-The cliche's: "I'm so confused", "I'm here to win", "I will do everything I can to make you feel better", "Time to be exposed", "I dunno what im gonna do", "I really wanna get to know (insert host name here)", "omg im going home tonight", "she/he should go home", "I'm not here for friends," or "I'm here for (insert host name here)".
-rap/music producers who host the shows suck sooo bad.
-All the people on the shows have a fake "username" describing their personality.
-Unnecessary profanity? (probably to make it seem real)
-Little "shocker cutscenes" that appear every time someone says an offensive line or pun.
-Fighting, but ONLY between woman (the guys on the shows like I love money never fight)
-Lot's of alcohol trashed up to look like expensive wine.
-Most of the shows have the word "of love" in it and the titles look like they were made in photoshop.
-Are interchangeable with each other and often trade characters
-Everyone is forces to live together in a mansion of some sort... Of course for more drama given that they are only supplied limited resources.
-Guy 1: Turns to VH1

-Guy 2: "Ugh dude not again..."

-Guy 1: "What's wrong with VH1"

-Guy 2: "Dude it's fake. Everyone on that channel has an IQ of a squirrel and the chicks look like rejected imports from my old playboy magazine. You know those 'dating' shows are based off of Polygamy right?"

-Guy 2: "Woah dude omg! Check out that girls boobs! I'd tap that!"

-Guy 1: "Nevermind... I'ma go get something out of the fridge. You want somethin?"

-Guy 2: "Yeah just hand me my bag of nuts from that tree in our yard. I saved them from last spring!!!"
by Gigafrost March 23, 2009
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Someone who can't really type definitions that well in Urban Dictionary-or have no urban sense whatsoever, so instead, they make up random nouns that sound like crap when used in a sentence.

The definitions of the word lamer is usually pretty cheesy and stupid; they are almost always in association with structures like "is such a", "is totally a", or "acts like a".

These people probably spend their days at the malls and never even seen anyplace urban before, or are just uncreative.

Synonymous to n00b
Word Lamer Guy: Duuuuddee, Christie didn't give me any last night. Instead she was playing 6 hours of habbo hotel while gobbling up some cheetos. Ugh she is such a habgobble!

Bob: Uhm... wow. What in the world did you just say dude?

Word Lamer Guy: Shut up man! Gosh, Bob always acts like a Gremkledopey!

Bob: ...
by Gigafrost February 26, 2009
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Are part of a group of:

-People with no benefit to the earth or human society.

-People that need no chance in this life for they only care for their own kind via (best looking, richest, any other material quality).

-People who create the media and our reality television shows.

-People who end up as celebrities with no talent except their looks or "photogenity".

-People who probably dumped you for no real reason in your high school years, or took advantage of you and messed with your emotions.

-People who fit well into the rich community and our US government.
Guy 1: Paris Hilton is a good example of a shallow person.

Guy 2: Wait, why was she famous again?

Guy 1: She's rich.

Guy 2: Ohhh, how was she rich?

Guy 1: She got some crazy inheritance.

Guy 2: Ohhh... -long pause-

Guy 2: Wait, why was she famous again?
by Gigafrost February 25, 2009
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Usually the one who can either be the awesome, legendary, kind, strong, perfect father that most American mother's look for in there 30s and regret for leaving in their teens, or the bully that easily angers when you're loafing around, says hurtful things, and was probably a player before he met your mom and helped birth you.

For some strange reason, all the players are the ones who are brought into the family world first, leaving the gentlemen to fix the issues some woman have from their husbands. Doesn't always happen that way, but you do see a lot of fathers ending up divorced because of their past habits.
Margy's true Father was a gentleman. He always opened the door for them, cared for them, and bought them anything they ever wanted. Then for some reason, Margy's mom got bored and went with this other, more handsome, father who ended up abusing them and sleeping with other women. Margy's mom became bitter towards other men because of this and wished that there was someone who would understand her. Of course there was- the gentleman, who went back together with her and made it all seem as if it didn't ever happen. Now that's a true father.
by Gigafrost February 26, 2009
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When someone on a reality show gets offended, they emphasize it dramatically with a sudden large musical "thump", dead tone of a piano key, or symbol bash. Often accompanied by the person who is offended just seen standing there blanked out in "awe". Get's VERY annoying when used over and over in a show.
Example of a shocker cutscene

Girl 1-Ahh that was an awesome night.

Girl 2-Yeah especially with Dave, we had sex last night.

Girl 1-Oh? Cause Dave told me that I was better.

-Sudden burst of a random dark musical tone as Girl 2 just stares in shock-

Girl 2-Well he told me that you smelled!

-Sudden burst of a random dark musical tone as Girl 1 just stares in shock-
by Gigafrost March 23, 2009
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