22 definitions by GiddyUpGirlFL

The constant need and desire to purge and rid yourself of all the crap in your life. Ridding one's self of meaningless objects and people can provide a sense of euphoria and well-being. Freedom from possessions and being possessed.
As Annie was ridding her home of all the things that belonged to her ex-husband she telephoned Holly to tell her how great she felt. Holly replied, "Girl! Sounds like you are afflicted with BULLSHITIMIA! Purging all his crap will set yourself free! Rid yourself of all his shit!"
by GiddyUpGirlFL May 15, 2011
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Where a man goes when a woman he is dating never hears from him again. The bizarre yet common occurence when a man drops out of the woman he is dating's life without explanation.
Maggie asked Scarlett, "How's Ed?" Scarlett replied, "Girl, I think he's gone Milk Carton Man. He hasn't called. No text. No email. I haven't seen him. Nothing." Maggie commented, "Yeah,well, we'll be seeing him on the back of the milk carton for sure."
by GiddyUpGirlFL January 18, 2009
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The radical change in the American culture resulting from electing an African American president.
Maggie said to Scarlett, "Girl, did you see that ad on AOL? It featured all these black guys." Maggie replied, "Yeah, I saw it, and all the other ones...it's the Obamafluence ya know."
by GiddyUpGirlFL March 4, 2009
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Mass extermination of every asshole you have ever dated. The final solution to those men who lied, cheated and never returned your call. The persecution of narcissistic men.
With Michelle Branch singing "Goodbye to You" in the background, Scarlett and Maggie gathered their Ken dolls...each one representing a man they had dated or experienced an unpleasant situation with...they placed them in a mass grave, doused them with gasoline and burned them during their monthly Assholocaust. "Well that's that." said Maggie. "Yep. Sure is." said Scarlett. "Goodbye Ted, Ed, Rusty, Alan, Pierre...until next month."
by GiddyUpGirlFL March 5, 2009
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A device women use to keep track of how many dates they have been on in a given time frame. Particularly helpful when dating online.
Scarlett inquired to Maggie, "Girl, how many dates have you been on since you signed onto Gimmesumsnatch.com?" Maggie replied, "I'm not sure, let me check my manometer and I'll see what my count is up to."
by GiddyUpGirlFL January 18, 2009
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The Screwpon works as a benefit contract. When involved in a sexual relationship, there are certain benefits. The Screwpon provides a multitude of advantages such as free handyman repairs, fabulous meals cooked to order, access to an amazing stocked wine cellar and "insider information" to other deals that the "screwer" might share with the "screwee." Screwpon is residual too! Old boyfriends have been known to give concert tickets and other fabulous trinkets to a past "screwee" and often times Screwpon gifts last well into future relationships thus making those items "a really good Screwpon!"
Scarlett: "Hey Maggie! Bob just offered me tickets to Keith Urban! Wanna go?"
Maggie: "Well of course! I can't believe he's offering you tickets...it's been awhile since you've dated. What a great Screwpon!"
by GiddyUpGirlFL June 21, 2011
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a man designed for short-term convenience rather than medium to long-term durability, with most only intended for single use. The term is also sometimes used for men that may last several months (ex. disposable air filters) to distinguish from similar men that last indefinitely (ex. washable air filters).
Scarlett was so happy with her full rotation of men...she thrived on holding court and flirting. Maggie was amazed with her dating possibilities and wanted to know every detail of each man..."Tell me about all your potential suitors!" she pleaded. Scarlett replied "Well, there is this one who is really cute..." Maggie asked, "Do you like him?" Scarlett answered, "Well of course I do for now...but he is a disposaboy!"
by GiddyUpGirlFL August 4, 2011
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