3 definitions by Germel

A female name origination from ancient Slavic mythology. Before Christianity came to the Slavs of Eastern Europe, the deity Danica was prayed to in the early morning when she was said to appear in the dawn sky as the first star, or morning star. Danica was associated with the sun and was thought to be the sun's younger sister. With the expansion of monotheism "Danica" became less associated with the deity and came to become a common girl name, holding the literal translation-"morning star."
This meaning is connected with the name Danica properly pronounced Dah-nee-tza. Its original spelling was in Cyrillic, and is a popular name throughout Serbia, and countries of the former Yugoslavia.

The simple Latin pronunciation ( Dan-ick-kuh ) is Danish, but not associated with "morning star," rather with a small white brush flower (genius and species: Cochlearia Danica) which mainly grows in the acidic rocky soils of Northern Europe(i.e. Denmark).
Why does that Serbian girl, Danica pronounce her name so weird? The "c" sounds like the double z sounds in pizza.
by Germel May 4, 2007
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A female name origination from ancient Slavic mythology. Before Christianity came to the Slavs of Eastern Europe, the deity Danica was prayed to in the early morning when she was said to appear in the dawn sky as the first star, or morning star. Danica was associated with the sun and was thought to be the sun's younger sister. With the expansion of monotheism Danica became less associated with the deity and came to be a common name for girls taking on the meaning morning star.
This meaning is connected with the name Danica properly pronounced Dah-nee-tza. It is spelled: in Cyrillic, and is a common name throughout Serbia and countries that made up the former Yugoslavia.

The simple Latin pronunciation ( Dan-ick-kuh ) is Danish but is not associated with morning star but rather with a small white brush flower (a scurvy-grass with genius and species: Cochlearia Danica) which mainly grows in the acidic rocky soils of Northern Europe.
Why does that Serbian girl, Danica pronounce her name so weird? The "c" sounds like the double z sounds in pizza.
by Germel May 3, 2007
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Good school in beautiful La Jolla. Doing well at UCSD is easy because La Jolla is NOT a party town. People who think they are smart, Asians, and prematurely balding men are found in abundance at UCSD. There is a serious shortage of naturally beautiful girls, and even less guys with game. Students looking to have fun turn to liquor,ganja, or other drugs, which are generally easy to come by. Looking to get laid- Mexico is only a short drive away. Whatever UCSD lacks in the social scene they attempt to make up in free concert points; where three times a year popular music artists preform at Rimac. Downside to this is that most UCSD students don't know what the hell to do at a concert.
Like most things, UCSD is what you make of it. If you put in a little more effort and have access to a car, you can have fun and get a great education at the same time.
"Dude you live in San Diego why are you so pale?"
" I go to UCSD."
" At UCSD I partied my ass off and still graduated in four years."
"I thought everyone at UCSD were pansy-ass nerds from suburbia, but I met some chill people smoking out on the cliffs."
"I saw my professor naked on the far side of Blacks Beach."
by Germel May 9, 2007
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