3 definitions by Gerk

Admin of Pwninator.com.
I thought Gerk got banned from the Interweb.
by Gerk January 2, 2004
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To solely download from a peer-to-peer network, without any intent and/or capability to redistribute files accordingly. This lack of sharing is often due to inanely selfish motives, but is occasionally the product of a implausibly slow upstream transfer rate or lack of content to share. Possesses highly negative connotations.
<SuperiorityComplex511> Share or die; no leeching.
by Gerk September 16, 2004
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A parked vehicle concealed from view by the positioning and/or size of objects, often other vehicles, in front of it. The vehicle is abruptly revealed after a certain distance.

Not to be confused with automobiles that can actually conceal themselves via electronic countermeasures.
Wait, hold on, the space up there's clear, an---GODDAMNIT! Fucking stealth cars.
by Gerk March 5, 2009
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