68 definitions by George McBob

To securely delete all data from a hard drive, usually by overwriting the entire disc with random numbers.

A nuker is a bootable disc that will securely erase data, file structures and partition tables from all hard drives it detects. The most used nuker is Darik's Boot and Nuke (commonly called DBAN).

Always be ready to nuke your hard drive in an emergency.
Quick it's the copyright gestapo! I've got 40 pirated ISOs on my pc! NUKE NUKE NUKE!
by George McBob May 4, 2009
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That awkward moment that occurs when a group of guys and a girl are talking and the topic of conversation turns to girls and their pros and cons, male health issues or other topics best kept among men. Someone then realises that there is, in fact, a female present. An embarrased silence then follows. This is a Hermione Moment.

It is named after the many scenes in the Harry Potter series when Harry and Ron forget that their friend Hermione is actually a girl.
Steve: Man, Jessica has a nice pair of...
<Dave elbows Steve hard in the ribs>
Steve: er.. Hi Teresa! Um, what do you think of Jessica's... er...
Dave: Dude, Hermione Moment!
by George McBob April 21, 2009
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RSTP Syndrome is a serious disorder in child psychology.

It stands for Rotten Shit with Toxic Parents Syndrome.

May cause a child to be disruptive in class, tell lies about you which it's mother will always believe, insult teachers and other children and induce it's father to threaten you with lawsuits.

The disorder is often incurable, because the cause (the toxic parents) refuses to cooperate with therapists.
Child Psychologist 1:
Timmy Jenkins refused to take the verbal skills test, and his mother insists that he is gifted, despite his poor score on the IQ tests.

Child Psychologist 2:
Sounds like a classic case of RSTP Syndrome.
by George McBob April 23, 2009
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An extreme sport popular in Soweto, South Africa.

It includes things like hanging onto a moving train and sliding your feet on the platform, standing on the roof and dodging powerlines, jumping on and off repeatedly, jumping from a bridge onto a moving train and jumping between carriages. The more dangerous the stunt, the better.

It is illegal, and fatalities are common
Sipho and Themba went train surfing from Dobsonville to Orlando.
by George McBob May 5, 2009
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A kugel is a special breed of rich middle-aged woman living in Johannesburg. Originally, the word kugel only applied to Jewish women (a kugel a Jewish potato-based dish), but now applies to any spoilt housewife.

Very distinctive characteristics of kugels are: A very nasal accent, calling everyone "doll", looking down on people who don't live in the Northern Suburbs, mistreating their housekeepers, spending half their lives talking on a cellphone, intense Botox treatment, wearing leopardskin patterned clothes and driving fancy 4x4s but refusing to take them offroad.

They tend to congregate at Sandton City, talk about shoes, nails and other kugels, cheat on their husbands and only tip 5%. A classic stereotypical kugel is Gwen Anderson from the South African comic strip Madam and Eve.
Kugel: Like, you know what I'm saying doll, she knows her husbands having an affair with....(25 minutes pass)... anyway, I have to like hang up doll, my nails are almost dry and I have to hurry up to get my hair done... ok doll, mwah bye.
by George McBob May 6, 2009
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A particle with the same mass, spin and quantum properties as a christ, but an opposite charge.

It will annihilate when it comes into contact with a christ, producing a gamma ray photon and a lambda neutrino.
We're getting an antichrist signature from the CERN data that could support Dr. Weisenhoffer's theory.
by George McBob June 30, 2009
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A sleazy wedding chapel, of the kind made famous in Las Vegas.

At a McChapel, you can hire a wedding dress for an hour and get married by an Elvis impersonator. Ushers often expect tips.
Did you hear Mike and Sandy got married in a McChapel downtown?
by George McBob April 29, 2009
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