68 definitions by George McBob

A dish that originated in Durban, but can now be bought all across South Africa. It consists of a half or quarter loaf of bread hollowed out and filled with curry.

They came about because, under apartheid laws, Indian restaurant owners were not allowed to seat black customers, and could only sell them take-aways. They invented bunny chows so they could still sell them a proper serving of curry.

The origin of the word "bunny chow" is unknown.
I'm getting take-aways. Do you want a burger, boerewors roll or bunny chow?
by George McBob September 14, 2009
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What a man buys when he wishes to announce to the world that he has a small penis.

Also, it's the ugliest vehicle ever manufactured outside of Soviet Russia.
You drive a Hummer? Don't you think you're compensating for something?
by George McBob September 30, 2009
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The horrible tangled mass of hair, soap scum and bodily fluids that clogs the plughole of a bath or shower.

Usually caused by women who wash their hair, shave their legs and armpits or trim their pubic hair in the shower.

If not dealt with in their early stages, they will grow, block the pipes, float around in a pool of water that spills onto the bathroom floor. and produce a clan of sentient offspring that attack you in the dead of night and drag you off into the sewers.
It takes a brave man to remove a bathroom wookiee.
by George McBob May 19, 2009
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A typing style used by complete noobs.

Their finger circles above the keyboard like a vulture over the hot, dry savannah as they search for the right key.
My grandma is still vulture typing. No wonder she takes so long to reply to my emails.
by George McBob September 30, 2009
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Steve: Tom has African Horse Sickness? But that only affects horses, not humans.
Dave: No, I said African Whore Sickness.
Steve: Ah. I see. Sucks to be him.
by George McBob September 8, 2009
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A cocktail for normal people to order at beach bars, gay bars or preppy cocktail lounges.

The mixological formula is:

1 shot of beer
2 more shots of beer
Top up with beer and serve in a beer glass
So that's a margarita for Lara, 2 mojitos for Sassy and Cleo. Me, Joey and Stoffels will each have a beertini.
by George McBob September 18, 2014
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In South Africa, one usually buys weed by the bankie. A bankie is the amount of weed that will fit in a bank coin bag (weed is not necessarily sold in a bank bag, but it is the most common container)
Score us a bankie, bru!
by George McBob May 5, 2009
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