25 definitions by Geoff Lilley

A girl who is sporting all of the following:
* A whale tail
* A tramp stamp
* A muffin top
"Dude, check out that girl with the hiphuggers on!"
"Damn, I can see the muffin top, the tramp stamp, and the whale tail all at once!"
"Real triple fashion bypass on that one."
by Geoff Lilley October 18, 2007
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To have knowledge, understanding, or firsthand experience with matters that are relevant to the Latino community. This can be food, family, language, religion, or any other aspect of life.
"Irene, I may need your mexpertise to find a good chile for my salsa."
"I got you covered, my gringo amigo."
by Geoff Lilley October 24, 2007
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When a website (particularly a forum/discussion site) has been infiltrated by porn, spammers, or other ill-meaning idiots who post completely irrelevant, useless material, thereby defeating the underlying purpose of the site.
orkut has a hell of a lot of good forums out there for people to connect, but too many of the popular ones have been totally pornitrated!
by Geoff Lilley May 3, 2007
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The day the Blackberrys went silent, and the distracted, harried, overworked drones who used them were forced to strike up conversations with people.
On Brick Tuesday, I actually had to listen to my boss in a meeting, instead of just pretending.
by Geoff Lilley April 25, 2007
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A moratorium on going to the mall, including big box stores, during the holiday season. Usually commences Black Friday and continues past Valentine's day. Done by guys who hate shopping and crowds, mostly.
"I need to go get my girlfriend a Christmas present, but I'd rather order it online. I've imposed a mallatorium between now and February."
by Geoff Lilley November 21, 2012
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The degree of measure to which someone came through in a moment of need, crisis, or difficulty. Can also be used in a sports context to acknowledge a moment where a player put on a game-winning performance when the team really needed him or her.
Brandi Chastain hitting that penalty shot against China was like a clutch quotient of 10.

Uh-oh, Rex Grossman just threw another interception. His clutch quotient is definitely in single digits.
by Geoff Lilley October 8, 2007
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To besmirch the good name or good taste of a snack food; to take a sacred snack food and turn it into something it was never intended to be.
Tim: I've got nacho flavored popcorn at my desk, dudes. Check it out.
Kalu: No way, dude. That's just straight up snacrilege.

Tracey: Peanut M&M's are one thing, but Pretzel M&M's are just snacrilege!
by Geoff Lilley December 2, 2010
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