4 definitions by Generation Xero

(noun) When fictional subject matter is presented and taken seriously to the point where it feels like it could actually happen.
Person 1: Game of Thrones is a show that has dragons and zombies and it's probably the most captivating drama on television right now.

Person 2: It's definitely one of those Real Fantasy type of things. I feel the same way about The Walking Dead.
by Generation Xero November 25, 2018
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(noun) A person who labels a piece of fiction such as a book, TV show, or movie as being too "political", "preachy" or "woke" for it's social commentary, when in reality, the person simply dislikes it because it doesn't personally match their own politics or beliefs. The same way Christian creationists deny scientific evidence because it doesn't fit their religious beliefs.
Person 1: Dude, have you seen the new Watchmen on HBO? It's fucking fake "woke" political garbage. Don't waste your time.
Person 2: You do know that the graphic novel and Snyder's movie were both extremely political, right? That's the theme of the whole thing. Politics.
Person 1: Whatever! "Wokemen" is still lame!
Person 2: Man, you're seriously starting to sound like a Cultural Creationist!
by Generation Xero October 28, 2019
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1. Informed, educated or being enlightened. The opposite of ignorance.

2. The false sense of moral superiority a person feels they have gained after doing the bare minimum. Especially when it comes to subjects such as race, religion, sex and politics. Similar to Virtue Signalling.
1. A woke Caucasian college professor tells his students that the best way to combat prejudice is to actually go out and make the effort to simply TALK to someone who doesn't look like you. Get to know them as people instead of their skin color, gender or religion.

2. A big company wants to know how they can combat racism in America. They decide to remove the black person from the cover of their product's packaging. It solves nothing. The company issues a statement that someone was paid to write for them, black people roll their eyes and the company moves on, feeling that they have done their part and they're now woke because of it.
by Generation Xero April 2, 2023
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A term similar to "Godwin's Law" is a logical fallacy used by fans of professional wrestling. The use of Owen's Law denotes any wrestling fan who mentions or uses the death of wrestling legend Owen Hart as a way to shift blame towards the WWE rather than offer a rational argument. It is often used when any wrestling promotion outside of the WWE is called out for doing something unsafe or unprofessional. Similar to "Whataboutism"
Fan 1: Did you see that? Looks like he landed on a stack of pillows. You could see the cardboard for crying out loud.
Fan 2: What? Did you want him to land on real concrete?

Fan 1: Huh?! No! I'm just sayin' it looked so phony. They could've easily filmed it from a different angle. It just looked bad.
Fan 2: Don't forget that WWE let Over The Edge go on after Owen Hart died.
Fan 1: What does Owen Hart's death have to do with this?
Fan 2: ...
Fan 1: Stop using Owen's Law and just admit it sucked.
by Generation Xero May 7, 2021
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