16 definitions by General Spoon

A term for any food.

Also see Pie
by General Spoon April 16, 2008
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A Piss, the act of urinating. Comes from the german for water. pronounced "Wazz"

See also: Wasser which is a toilet
"just going for a wass"
by General Spoon April 16, 2008
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An arbitary term used in answer to many questions or requests. A word that can be used, often randomly in any situation.
"whats that new game like?"
"Your Face"
by General Spoon April 16, 2008
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To use anothers hands.

Like Omnidextrus or ambidextrus
He is using my hands, must be teledextrus.
by General Spoon May 4, 2008
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Word for Toilet using the German for Water.

See also: Wass
"i am just nipping to the Wasser"
by General Spoon April 16, 2008
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A cross between Fuck and Bastard to produce a more serious insult than Bastard. Generally used to descri be someone who performs an act that is considered stupid.
"You are such a Fucktard"
by General Spoon April 16, 2008
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1. A term used to describe someone who has given up on their current year in school and plans to retake it.
2. A person who gave up last year and is in classes with people a year younger, having dropped back.
"whos that older kid in the room?"
"Thats the retake"
by General Spoon April 16, 2008
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