1 definition by Geertje

Sort Of Re Tweet

In Twitter people use RT (= ReTweet) at the beginning of a post when they are retweeting it. This means you're copying a post from another person and forwarding it in your own network.

When you're using Twitter and are Retweeting a post, but you change it, make it personal, you're not actually Retweeting it, but SORT OF retweeting it.
A person has a post on Twitter:

Best Wedding Entrance Ever is back online. Still don't know why is was offline : example.username.nl/videochannel/video/1651

You want to forward this post in your own Twitternetwork, but don't want to use the exact same words, so you use the abbreviation SORT in stead of RT to make this clear.

SORT @example.twitterusername best weddingmovie ever! shorturl.bit.ly/KNy7Z .. made me :-)
by Geertje July 30, 2009
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