8 definitions by Gaz Edmunds

A rather old slur directed at Irish people. In the late 1800s, the Irish were viewed as a secondary race by White Supremacists (see "Inbreds, Elite English") as were black people. (Who were conversely referred to as "Smoked Irish." I shit you not. People back then had ISSUES.)

These days, the terms has been embraced by Irish wannabe gangsters and thugs, et al, as a badge of honour. Look to House of Pain and Eminem as heroes.
Chap one: "Cracka mutherfucker! Get yo ass out of here!"
Chap two: "Sorry, my bad!"
Chap one: "Yo, you talk funny. Where you from?"
Chap two: "I'm Irish."
Chap one: "Sheeeet, you shoulda told me you was a nigga turned inside out! Gimme some love!"
by Gaz Edmunds October 3, 2006
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Chap one: "I say, that lady over there is quite attractive. I think I shall endeavour to insert my penis in her!"
Chap two: "Wait, my amorous friend, and stay your hand. For I was there last week, and she has some serious Bread in the Shed!"
by Gaz Edmunds October 2, 2006
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Dale Earnhardt, a NASCAR driver with a very impressive moustache, who died in 2001. Immortalized by Wal Mart employees, wife-beater collectors, and trailer dwelling folk the world over, his full name was shortened to the one word "Dale", in the same way as "Pele", "MJ", or "Larry the Cable Guy" has been in the past. Also known as the intimidator, due to a combination of his willingness to ram into people, and for said impressive moustache.

Said supporters are easily spotted as they will generally have a sticker showing his number 3 with angel wings sticking out of it. Another form of the word, "Daaaaaaaaale!" is often uttered by sad lonely men in country bars "down south".
Chap one: "I say, you appear to be rather depressed. Would you like to talk about what's making you so sad?"
Chap two, crying: "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaale!"

Chap one: "I do enjoy a good car race, but these chaps don't seem to know how to turn right."
Chap two: "Y'know who could? Dale. Git R done, boogity boogity, boogity!"
by Gaz Edmunds October 3, 2006
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Group of young Christians (usually born-agains) who act as a single entity in all things. If one wants to join a soccer team, for example, they all must. If one wants to go to the mall and hang out, they all must.

Members of the God Squad are, as all rampant Christians tend to be, pious and condescending, and will "quote scripture" at you, at the drop of a hat (or f-bomb). Being young, and "God's children" they are very sweet and nice, as long as you are white, straight, and believe in God. Otherwise you're burnin' in hell.
At social event:
Chap one: "Bloody hell! She's cute! I'm going in!"
Chap two: "Wait, my amorous friend, and stay your hand. Your worthy attempts at love will be fruitless, for she is in the God Squad!"

At soccer field:
Chap one: "I'm open! Pass the ball! Pass!! SHIT!!!"
God Squad member: "You're a poopy mouth. I shun you!"

At bar after the game:
Chap one: "Where's _____? Why doesn't she hang out with us?"
Chap two: "She's over in the non smoking section with the rest of the God Squad. They don't want to sit with us because we swear, smoke, and drink, and find everything we do offensive."
Chap one: "Ah. Fuck that, then."
by Gaz Edmunds September 11, 2006
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Cork slang. Depending on the context means "Go on ahead"/"keep going" or "well spotted" Very much a northside version, so uttering this phrase while wearing a tracksuit adds gravity to your statement.
Chap one: "I say, would you care to indulge in a beverage with me?"
Chap two: "Nah, boy. I'm going out with the oul doll. Ball on."

Chap one: "Oh dear. There appears to be a group of drunken lingerie models in the corner who are attracted to men with buzzcuts and homemade indian ink tattoos over there!"
Chap two: "Wha?!? BALL ON!!!"
by Gaz Edmunds October 3, 2006
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The Irish/UK version of Jesus H. Christ in a Chicken Basket, this phrase is used in extreme situations of shock, surprise, annoyance, or disgust. The addition of a well placed f-bomb can, of course, up the ante considerably.
"Liverpool couldn't beat Sheffield United?! Ah, Jesus H. Christ on a Bike!!!"

Helpful chap in bathroom: "I say, it appears that your penis is dripping a rather greenish looking slime."
by Gaz Edmunds September 6, 2006
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A severe yeast infection that occurs in the fat folds of extremely obese women. Quite possibly the nastiest thing imaginabe.
Chap one: "There is a rather nasty odor emenating from that extremely rotund lady."
Chap two: "Ah yes, I know her roommate, and she mentioned that she doesn't bathe as often as she should. And I note she is buying 23 boxes of Monistat. Perhaps she has some Mold in the Fold?"
by Gaz Edmunds October 2, 2006
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