101 definitions by Gary

Another word for sausage-fest back packing (camping). Originally coined as a term in the San Francisco Bay Area by a Cal student.
We're going gayqueering this weekend.
by Gary December 31, 2005
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the nicer way of saying cunt
Vicki has the best tasting and nicest looking poononi i've ever gotten my wang on.
by Gary December 5, 2004
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The term used for beer when completely intoxicated
"BER ME!!!!" or "Nice BER-AMID"
by Gary July 10, 2003
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pharlei pron. far~lay
1. Combination of a chick who is both fat and ugly, hence the sound of fat and ugly in one word nearly sounds like pharlei.

2. A chick who was a fat lay.
I had a pharlei last night, it's name was Nicky.

My mates told me to take the hit and jump on the grenade, but instead I ended up with a pharlei and wish I hadn't, cept if my name was Gary it would be like christmas.

I always go for the phalei's cos then i'm guaranteed action.

I was so stoked that I hooked up with a pharlei, it must be my lucky night.
by Gary April 23, 2005
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1) a chick who is a combination of fat and ugly.

2) a chick who was a fat lay.
geezz what a pharlei...
by Gary May 3, 2005
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What Dave May eats.
"Hey Chris what does Dave May eat?"
"Ass Shoes!"
by Gary November 25, 2003
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