10 definitions by GarthF

Quiet conversation that takes place between people who are sitting beside each other during some kind of committee meeting or official gathering. When enough goes on, and as sound grows exponentially, it can be loud enough to distract the chairperson or whoever is speaking, as well as annoy those who want to carry the meeting's agenda forward.
During the meeting, the mayor became so frustrated with all the sidetalk going on between the city councillors, she finally yelled, "Can you all pay attention to what I'm saying for just a second?!?"
by GarthF December 16, 2005
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The attempt to clap in applause at some event but very few people, if any, follow your lead. This can also apply to the related scenario when one tries to lead out in a clapping rhythm at some musical event or figure skating competition but also fails to gain a following.
"After my last clap abortion at the downtown rally, I've decided to call it quits. It's just too embarrassing."
by GarthF February 8, 2006
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Used to describe how you feel inside when you find yourself in a pleasing set of circumstances, or at least in comparison to a worse outcome that also might have occurred. It does not suggest glee at another's misfortunes but rather highlights one's own fortunate situation.
eg. 1: The forecast predicted rain for our camping trip, but the weather turned out to be so gorgeous we were laughing.

eg. 2: While waiting at emergency, I was upset over my ankle injury. But then when I saw the paramedics bring in a 7-year-old girl covered all over with first-degree burns, I realized I should be laughing.
by GarthF December 29, 2005
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