10 definitions by GarthF

The overly slow and cautious driver, usually elderly but not necessarily, who manages to stay in front of you in traffic. They turn where you want to turn, exit where you want to exit, and go into the same parking lot you're heading for, and so they are always in the lead. You have trouble passing them because there's only one lane or else traffic volume is just too busy. So much to your frustration, you remain in second place while they undeservingly take the checkered flag!
Jack: "How come you're so late? The movie's about to start!"

Danny: "I was rushing, but I got stuck behind two or three gramps champs on the way here! It was so annoying!"
by GarthF March 7, 2006
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A combination of "dumb" and "retard". Very similar to "tard" and "f***tard" commonly in use today. The beauty of this term, however, is that it avoids slandering those who are truly mentally retarded and doesn't come across as being overly vulgar and offensive. Best used when someone has shown a momentary lack of intelligence and reasoning in offending you in some way.
Bob: "That guy just cut me off AND he's driving slower than me! Man, some people!"
Larry: "What a f***tard!"
Bob: "Well, maybe so if he did it on purpose. For now, I just think the guy's a dumtard."
Larry: "Suit yourself."
by GarthF December 16, 2005
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Small ice cubes that you give your kids from your drink at a restaurant or McDonald's or wherever to keep them quiet and happy.
Dad: "Hey, kids, want some water candy?"
Kids: "Yeah!"
Dad: "OK, but now be quiet while I eat my steak." (thinking to himself, "Silly little munchkins.")
by GarthF February 8, 2006
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n. A person, usually a parent or older relative, who incessantly berates you during a meal about how skinny you're getting and how you need to eat more. They typically tell you what dishes on the table you should be selecting from, and they will characteristically even place food on your plate despite much protest on your part. Because they have taken away your freedom to eat in peace and to select food of your own choosing, they have killed what would otherwise be viewed as a pleasurable dining experience. (Note: meal Nazi has no direct connection with the more familiar term, "soup Nazi".)
"I hate it when Aunt Agatha comes over for dinner. She's always putting a drumstick or a pork chop on my plate. I know she means well, but come on, I'm 16 years old! Just back off, meal Nazi!"
by GarthF December 15, 2005
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Not following prescribed guidelines or general societal expectations. Very casual. Bypassing certain boundaries.
Jack always comes to work late. I guess both he and the boss are loosey goosey when it comes to punctuality.
by GarthF December 1, 2005
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An expression meaning that everyone has their own way of doing things or approaching life. Often said in disagreement with how someone else has done things, but can also be said in a neutral or even positive fashion.
(rolling eyes) "He proposed to Susie through a casual email?!? Well, I guess different strokes for different folks."
by GarthF December 1, 2005
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The absence of homoeroticism in television or film. In a way, it's the opposite of hetyay.
Stan: "The increase of hoyay in TV and movies misleads the gullible and impressionable into thinking that homosexuality is on the rise when really it's not. Me, I'm more of a honay kind of guy."
Trish: "Did you say 'horny'?"
Stan: "No--honay, as in I say nay to hoyay."
Trish: "Oh, I see."
by GarthF December 16, 2005
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