14 definitions by GamblersRamblers

Carabina is a term used for a poker player who is very tight and only puts his money in with very big hands
I was playing poker with Steve and Eddy , those guys are such carabina's in one hand I had quads but Steve said "no good mate, I've got a Royeler" what a Carabina!
by GamblersRamblers January 15, 2014
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Cardiff Troyster is a gambling term for a person who is incredibly good and/or lucky.
They are always in front of the game whatever that may be and always have plenty of cash from winning
'Can you believe Mark again!? He came here with $100 and 30minutes later he is winning over $1000, that guy is a Cardiff Troyster'

'I saw a guy in the casino last night who was an all round Cardiff Troyster, he won on everything he played'
by GamblersRamblers December 30, 2014
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Bully special is a type of cocktail that became a favourite of UK gamblers in the late 90's to either celebrate winning - or drown sorrows when losing. It consists of 3 parts scotch, 3 parts Absynth, 2 parts pineapple juice and 1 part rum. It is quite vile in taste, expensive and very bad for the consumers health. They are sometimes served lit on fire for dramatic affect.
Ian went to the bar and asked Dave what he fancied, Dave said come on then, get me a Bully Special. They both ended up in the local jail later that night!
by GamblersRamblers January 15, 2014
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A Bastard Bedworth is a type of bet used when playing roulette in a casino. By placing 6 chips on the splits of numbers 5/8, 10/11, 13/16, 23/24, 27/30 and 33/36. By doing this it is possible to cover 1/3 of a section of the wheel. This bet is also referred to as 'Tier' in European casinos
Millie was Bastard Bedworth Betting and won 8 times in a row, lucky!

Danny was upset because he placed a huge amount on a Bastard Bedworth and lost all his money
by GamblersRamblers January 4, 2014
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Dumpleton dealing is the skilled art of having the dexterity, skill and experience of dealing a game of poker where the dealer is able to manipulate the cards at the last minute or last round of betting in order that a player who was odds on favourite to win ends up losing to a very unlikely turn of fate. Many dumpleton dealers are also magicians and can adapt there skills easily to close up magic or street cons such as 3 card monte.
Ian had a Full House Aces over Kings, he could only lose to one card, middle pin nine of hearts to give the other guy a straight flush, Sarah was dealing and last card she turned the nine of hearts!! She was dumpleton dealing for sure!!
by GamblersRamblers January 16, 2014
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Deakin derwishing is the practice of playing several gaming tables at the same time. A person may be playing roulette, blackjack and dice simultaneously by running from one table to the other placing bets. It can also be said of a person playing several slot machines at the same time
Simon was Deakin derwishing in the casino last night, at one stage he was playing 5 tables at once

That guy can run fast - he has to with all the Deakin derwishing he does!
by GamblersRamblers February 10, 2014
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A Doddsy is a person who plays poker and consistently loses and is therefore a favourite of other gamblers to have at the table as they are easy prey. Sometimes referred to as a pigeon they are unskilled and/or unlucky
We got Dave in the game yesterday, he is such a Doddsy we won all his cash and then some!
by GamblersRamblers January 5, 2014
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