7 definitions by GabrielSix

(noun) a reference to scrotum that developed due to similarities between the appearance of the scrotum and the brain (some scrotums more than others). This link is reinforced by the fact that testosterone (a hormone commonly associated with male behavior) is produced by the testicles, which are housed within the scrotum.
They cut some giblets from my brain sac, and now I can't make babies.
by GabrielSix April 13, 2005
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From Kaptain Mordant lore, obeeja is used to refer to anything spooky or evil. The word should be used sparingly, as uttering it can stir up evil around the speaker. When the word is mentioned, all parties within hearing distance must do the 'obeeja motion' as quickly as possible. The last person to complete this motion is then informed by everyone else that they are 'out the club.' This ritual is thought to help ward off evil that may be aroused by use of the spooky word.

The word 'obeeja' originated somewhere around El Dorado, Arkansas on a dark, stormy night. Two members of Kaptain Mordant were driving along a back road when they encountered a mysterious young man on a moped. He was black with a slight build and piercing eyes, and was cloaked in a rain poncho as he rode along in the storm. After keeping pace with them for a short distance, the young man turned his head toward the car and gave them an eerie stare while making a strange motion with his right hand. He lifted his hand from the handlebar, shook it forward and then jerked it back as the sleeve of his poncho danced about his arm. This arm movement is now refered to as 'the obeeja motion.'

The Kaptain Mordant members then sped off, never knowing what spell the young man had tried to cast on them, only that 'he was doing some sort of voodoo or obeeja or something.' The word 'obeeja' then stuck around.
by GabrielSix April 6, 2005
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(noun) One who kroges. Krogers can often be identified by their long, curved nails, which they grow and trim specifically to make their kroging more productive.

It is not known what, if any relationship exists between kroging and Kroger (the supermarket), but showing up to an interview with a nice set of kroging nails probably wouldn't hurt your chances of employment with the company.
Check out those nails - looks like a kroger to me.
by GabrielSix April 4, 2005
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(verb)To engage in the act of kroging, whereby the (male or female) kroger firmly scrapes their fingernails in a 'come hither' motion along the undercarriage of a male, beginning between the anus and scrotum and proceeding toward the anterior along the length of the scrotum. The kroger then samples the scrapings by smelling, tasting or both.
Girl, my gooch is sore from all the kroging last night.
by GabrielSix April 4, 2005
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collective reference to the scrotum and all the goodies contained therein (testicles, vas deferens, etc.)
The appearance of the scrotal assembly evolved for use as bait.
by GabrielSix March 29, 2005
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v. To get the job done - particularly a job involving difficult work. To take care of business. To succeed in a challenging endeavour.

This phrase originates from the nasty business of Jesus' crucifixion, which was gotten done for the sins of mankind and resulted in something glorious.
Dan: Did you study for the test this morning?

Bill: Studied my ass off, man! I'm gonna crucify the savior!
by GabrielSix July 25, 2005
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Male genitalia, particularly the scrotal assembly (scrotum and testicles).

One of the oddest human body parts, no one knows exactly why the scrotal assembly is put together the way it is. However, many scientists now theorize that, much like the worm-lure tongue of the Alligator snapping turtle, the scrotal assembly's appearance evolved as a lure to help prehistoric man catch and kill otherwise deadly wooly mammoths.

When a mammoth was spotted, one man would climb onto a stump, rock, etc. and shout out mammoth calls while dangling his junk in full view of the animal. The mammoth, entranced by this display, would stumble drunkenly toward the man with its mouth watering and its trunk outstretched ready to pluck the sweet sweet prize from the hunter.

Then, suddenly, the rest of the hunters would spring up from behind the bushes and spear the mammoth which, even while dying, would never take its eyes off the bait. Often, the mammoth's mouth would continue to water for an hour or so after death, and while some speculate that this was merely a reflex action, others suspect that as the mammoth's brain shut down, it saw before it a brilliant tunnel of light with hundreds of juicy nutsacks at the end.

After the extinction of the wooly mammoths, the scrotal assembly has become essentially a vestigial appendage whose unique appearance no longer serves a purpose, much like the appendix.
HHHuuuucccgh!!!! It got me right in the bait!
by GabrielSix March 29, 2005
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