36 definitions by GAWII

Unrefined crude oil. The by-product of dinosaurs rotting for millions of years underground.
Petroleum is the formal name for unrefined fossil fuel.
by GAWII May 20, 2008
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Euphemism for the constant buzzing and hissing heard on vinyl records.

Used by fans of vinyl, who claim this distortion makes records sound better than CDs; which sound too "clean".
Vinyl Fan: Here let me put on this record, then you'll understand. (Record starts playing) Do you hear the warmth?
Normal Guy: Warmth? I just hear a bunch of hissing under the music. Why is that better than a CD?
by GAWII March 2, 2009
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1. A slang term for American Football.

2. A portmanteau of America and Football, but substituting Murica with America.
There is no such thing as "soccer". There's football and muricaball.
by GAWII April 19, 2013
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A type of sushi that is prepared in a way so it is more appealing to a baka gaijin.

Whitizushi are always urimaki rolls, which have rice on the outside and nori (seaweed) hidden away on the inside. This because most gaijin will refuse to knowingly eat anything containing seaweed. But what fully distinguishes whitizushi from regular urimaki is its unconventional ingredients such as avocado or american mayonnaise as well as ridiculous non-japanese names such as "California roll", "Dragon Roll" or "Spider Roll".
Baka gaijin: "I'm hungry, let's get some sushi. I feel like California rolls."
Gaikokujin: "Oh, you're a fan of whitizushi?"
Baka gaijin: "Is that what it's called?"
Gaikokujin: "...Yes! California rolls, Spider Rolls, Dragon Rolls, those are all called whitizushi."
Baka gaijin: "Wow, that's so cool! I know a Japanese word now. I'm so worldly."
by GAWII July 16, 2009
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Darfur is a region in the country of Sudan. Yet if you ask a liberal, Darfur and Sudan have nothing whatsoever to do with each other. Somehow, they are two completely different and unrelated political issues.

In Darfur, horrible genocide is being committed, hundreds of thousands of innocent people slaughtered needlessly. Everyone must join together to help Darfur, which supposedly the Bush administration does not care about.

However in Sudan, NO ONE is being killed, and anyone who claims so is clearly racist. When Secretary of State Colin Powell gave a speech to say something desperately needed to be done about the genocide in Sudan, he was viciously attacked by liberals; since obviously the situation in Sudan is nothing more than a warmongering Republican lie.
Liberal Sheep: Darfur = GOOD! Sudan = BAD!
by GAWII August 16, 2008
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The man that most anyone would agree should have won the republican presidential nomination in 2000, and would have been a far better president than George W. Bush. However, whether he would make a better president than Obama is highly debatable.

He is also a tough son of a bitch. He was shot down over Vietnam, took a bayonet to the groin, and was held (and tortured) for 5 years in a Vietnam POW camp. Don't nobody fuck with McCain.
Why didn't we get John McCain instead of Dubya?
by GAWII August 31, 2008
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