70 definitions by Fukaface!

A diminutive for:
- a guy named Dick
- a small penis
My penis is big!
yours is smaller!

and his is the smallest dickie of the all!
by Fukaface! December 29, 2011
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Upto combined word made out of 'up' and 'to'.
Can be written separately (eg: "three up to five")

definition see example.
- untill
He was running all the way upto the gas station!

- what's going on
What are you upto?
by Fukaface! December 14, 2010
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Apart from the obvious (to send a fax to another person in another location),
To send a fax is also understood as to shit on the toilet!

The toilet paper is been seen as the fax paper, the toilet & sewer as the medium of transmission, and you fill in the blank what the ink will be!
Damn man, I need to shit so badly I'm almost shitting in my pants!

You're planning on sending some faxes?

Faxes? to where?

To the other side of the world, where people will read them! :-)
by Fukaface! June 1, 2011
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A truck that has a tank in the back with plenty of suction, sucking the poop out of the sewers; and usually smells to poop!
Usually driven by the poopman or the poop collector.
Look! The pooptruck has arrived!
Time to get our toilets sucked empty!
by Fukaface! June 1, 2011
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short abbreviation for previous.

A language developed by mostly teenagers and youth called turbo language, makes use of shortened words.

It not only allows them to feel cool, but also allows them to say more in a shorter time by doing less effort.
'sup, ha y'all doin'?

prev (previous),
nigg (nigger),

pos (piece of shit)
fag (faggot)
Mofo (motherfucker)
ver (version)
reg (regular)
prem (premium)
by Fukaface! April 23, 2011
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A male who penetrates the anus of another being.

A term used for a gay person.
Man, you're so gay! I bet you love that assdriller to penetrate you any time!

Those villagers are all assdrillers. When you don't look they have sex with any animal they see!
by Fukaface! December 16, 2010
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A demeaning term to ridicule or hurt someone,
a guy literally licking piss
You piss licker!

It's not piss, it's cock juice!

Doesn't matter, piss licker

Oh come on! I'm not gay!

No, you're a piss licker!
by Fukaface! May 28, 2011
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