70 definitions by Fukaface!

When a poor, uneducated black piece of ghetto excreta, goes low, real low, below-the-belt-low, and starts unpacking that ding-dong, and sucking it, like he was promised 'twenni bucks'.
by Fukaface! January 6, 2020
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When a group of jungleniggers start biting one another
I went to the rimboo, and a bunch of niggers are having a picknick. Eating a pick of a nikker, over niggabyte fest!
by Fukaface! March 24, 2020
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The term 'black network' comes from the 'black market', where taxes or government supervision is avoided.

A B/N is an Adhoc network (mainly Wifi or LAN) that is not directly connected to the internet, used for sharing files.
Networks like this could span over large areas, with the use of repeaters, cantenna's or dedicated network cables, but are mainly very local.
They consist of a storage device connected to a router, giving access to other users (eg neighbors, classmates, etc) to read (but not write or delete) data from the drive.

Once files are downloaded, they are put on a storage device.
They are shared over a separate net to multiple users.
They can be password protected networks, that use custom P2P programs (with access codes or passwords) for the transfer of files, but also could use the standard Windows Adhoc network shared file system to copy or stream files over the network.

Networks can quickly clone themselves by cloning the harddrive, and installing it with a router on another location,creating a second network.

Black networks often are created to diminish suspicion of the RIAA or other law organizations.
Quite often they are found in apartment complexes, boarding schools, or campusses,and amongst internet techies or nerds.

They are also known as AdHoc networks, or intranet networks.

Not all uses have to be illegal,

They can be used to play online games with friends, or provide a faster way to share legal files amongst many people.
1- One Black Network connection can provide files to multiple offline computers, with a minimal risk of attracting law organizations; and by having a minimal internet bandwidth used. The ratio can be as much as 1/100,where one file downloaded could be shared to 100 people (but the share ratio is more generally 1/3 to 1/4).
2- Multiple Black Networks can share data with eachother, eg: B/N 1 shares software, while B/N 2 shares video's; then cross share the data with eachother.
3- Files can be shared to multiple clients without those clients to need to be online (once the files are uploaded to the Black Network)
4- Files can be backed up across Black Networks in case of one network's harddrive failure, creating clones could provide a backbone for other Black networks.
5- WLAN,Wifi, or LAN networks provide faster access times and download rates than the internet,and generally are free (save the cost of electricity and the purchase of the hardware).
by Fukaface! November 5, 2010
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Becomes a popular sports in the western world!
People steal korans, and publicly burn them to a crisp.

An alternative instructional video called "how to dump the koran in the toilet, because it's too big to fit the sewer pipe" has also had high ratings on popular websites!

Muslims don't care about offending others. Others now don't care about offending muslims, and would love to distribute disgusting pictures of prophet muhammad (that gay uncle fucker), Allah (a red animal with horns, and a tail and lives in poop), and would also love to distribute howto's (like how to burn the koran, how to use it as toilet paper, how to have vaginal blood on a koran, how to dump it in a pigsty, and how to use the leafs of the koran on a truck when transporting human waste.
Koran burning has become popular lately!

Ow yes, but nothing beats using it as poop scoops! They burn much better that way!

My dog has an issue where every time he has diarrhea he tries to do it on the Koran! It's a practice he took on ever he saw that picture of allah naked a bathtub doing some anal sex on pigs.

Yeah, it gets to you, these koran stories! When we burned that crap for good the world will be a better place!
Koran burning makes for some good firework!
Ow, and burn some muslims too!
They're gay asses, and deserve to die!
by Fukaface! June 12, 2011
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Fear of niggers.
Usually due to them being violent, stealing, robbing, killing and niggering.
I don't dare to walk on the streets at night

Why not?

The evil niggers are out.

You got a serious complex of nigrophobia!
by Fukaface! February 1, 2011
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Fear of niggers.
Usually due to them being violent, stealing, robbing, killing and niggering.
I don't dare to walk on the streets at night

Why not?

The evil niggers are out.

You got a serious complex of nigrophobia!
by Fukaface! February 21, 2011
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A nigger who's groggy (usually) on drugs.
Usually it's either weed, hash, cocaine, speed, LSD, or crack.
A dirty niggrog roaming down the street; high on crack cocaine!
Yupperz, the faith of the niggrog is 6ft under!
by Fukaface! April 29, 2018
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