138 definitions by FreD

A musical deviant, with no accounting for taste. Often seen with star tattoos, mesh trucker hats, wearing clothing recieved at mall or warped tour. A dying breed, emosexuals are on the verge of extinction as they realise that they are live a lifestyle that is akin to modern hairmetal
Your so emosexual
by FreD October 1, 2003
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Bunch of people living mostly in the province of Quebec. They tend to be polyglots and great travellers.

They used to run the country for the last 40 years and still think, from time to time, about splitting the federation.

They hate the French and cannot stand the invasion that is occuring since few years. It seems that the snow does not suffice to keep them away any longer.
French-canadians : the good ones

Quebecers : well, bloody separatists
by FreD December 24, 2003
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1.bullshitting like hell
2.going off in a modd for no reason
dude u are doing a padd E because it obvious that u are not related to the mafia

dont mind him he just went off on a padd E for some reason
by FreD March 29, 2005
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The fuzzy,snotty type stuff you find on your eyelashes.
Dude! Get that tasht outta yo eye! You look blind!
by FreD January 20, 2005
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a member of the male sex who enjoys being anally intruded by girthy dildos, thus resulting in the rectum being expanded to the diameter of a watermelon (type and size of watermelon pending on choice of dildo gitrh)
brian's fruit bowl has recetly been enlarged
by FreD December 3, 2003
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white cracka ass foo' who posts on tribalwar.com about free activation codes and then hides his ass in a corn fieldz
that bitchass supermegacheese and his corn field don't post shit when it's time to roll.
by FreD November 28, 2003
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