138 definitions by FreD

when people flik boogies at you.
At school when they pick there nose roll it n flick it at you ewww
by FreD March 12, 2004
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Zeretzke I'd Like to Fuck!
izzy's a zilf! n so r her sisters!
by FreD March 9, 2005
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a name given to someone who acts like a complete tool
Walking up to a teacher and telling them you are a tool, ultimately makes you a cockspank
by FreD August 6, 2003
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A very short person, wears large shoes, enjoys spanking. They have very large eyes.
by FreD September 25, 2003
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reggaeton is not actually just Puerto Rico's version of reggae...if you do the research you'll find that reggaeton first came around in panama as "spanish reggae". It has evolved to become "perreo", "dembow", or just "reggaeton"
i like reggaeton
me gusta el reggaeton
by FreD February 28, 2005
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nerds like to believe that, because they don't have any friends and prefer to spend their weekends sat infront of a computer screen 'socialising' on internet message boards with other like-minded losers, they are in fact 'unique non-conformists'

sadly, they're deluding themselves

see also: geek, outcast, loser
nerd: donnie darko rocks. I can totally relate to the main character, I'm just like him.
me: shut up bumfluff
by FreD September 25, 2004
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While doing a girl from behind spit on her back while moaning she will inevidably think the deed has been done when it is only just the begging. After she pulls away and faces u then "surprise" blow your load right in that tricks face. Just like Hudini would have done
I had to take Betsy to the hospital after a well placed Hudini caught her in both eyes
by FreD March 25, 2005
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