26 definitions by Fractious1


An insult that applies to anyone with a bloated ego. It is synonymous with being a oversized penis that walks like a man with a grotesquely swollen purple head ie. the next step up from being just a dick or being a dick head.

Synonymous to:

*A person who exemplifies being a dick to extremes.
*A complete Douche Bag.
*Ball breakers.
*A person with a SERIOUS attitude problem.
Preppie: You wish you were me.
Not Preppie: Why would I want to be a purple headed pussy ripper like you?

You gave them a really condescending speech that was out of line. Quit acting like such a purple headed pussy ripper.

Gunnery Sergeant Hartman is a total Purple Headed Pussy Ripper. Step on his dick and we all will pay.
by Fractious1 February 10, 2018
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Usually a good derogatory or insulting reference to someone lacking substance, strength, or motivation. Examples of how being a limp dick applies:

1) a worthless person.

2) a person with no skills.

3) a person who lacks motivation.

4) incompetence.

5) weakness
1) Speak up and quit being such a limp dick!

2) Father: Why have these bags of cement not been loaded into the pickup truck yet?

Son: They are too heavy for me.
Father: You are telling me that fifty pound bags are too heave for a sixteen year old boy to pick up? STOP ACTING LIKE A WORTHLESS LIMP DICK!

3) (an insulting greeting) HEY LIMP DICK!

4) (Frustration) Fucking Limp Dick!
by Fractious1 February 10, 2018
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Unlike a Brown Toilet Trout which is gone when you flush the toilet a Toilet Salmon is a turd that when flushed returns like a salmon that swims upstream back to where it was spawned.
Example 1:
Holy cow, I flushed twice and I still can't get this toilet salmon to go down stream. What has that crazy vegan been feeding me?

Example 2:
A flushing sound heralds a momentarily soon to be unoccupied bathroom that upon departure of its user becomes occupied. The new occupant notices something left behind in the toilet where it is heard, "HEY Someone left a turd in here!"

The reply: "You can't blame me for a toilet salmon spawning season. I flushed."

Example 3:
"I flushed but if there are any toilet salmon in there you can't hold that against me."
by Fractious1 November 27, 2017
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Slang, Disambiguation, Adjective

A person who does nasty things or is nasty looking.
Example 1: She will never date you. Admit it, your too roguish. You break mirrors you look at.

Example 2: Get a look at that chick with all those freakish piercings. Dude would have to be pretty brave to want to talk to a girl that Roguish.

Example 3: Dude? You farted? That's pretty fucking roguish.

Example 4: We don't tolerate no roguishness here.
by Fractious1 November 26, 2017
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Example 1:
Hey, are there any more rolls of Vatican Postage Stamps left in the upstairs bathroom?

Example 2:
Whatever I ate gave me the shits bad. I went through a whole roll of Vatican Postage Stamps already and I still ain't done!

Example 3:
Last night some fractious youths covered Melissa's house with Vatican Postage Stamps. Her parents were not happy.
by Fractious1 November 29, 2017
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The Weedles literally is a reaction to financial desperation usually among drug addicts but can also be applied to people with bad gambling addictions. To Weedle is to become so desperate for a drug fix that the person begins to look over everything around them they can sell or trade for drugs including other's possessions.

Being accused of having the Weedles is implying financial desperation the person with it intends to solve at the expense of others.

A wheedler is someone who contemplates selling off their goods or theft to support a drug habit. Please refer to Sketcher (USA slang) and Spranger (U.K. slang).
Example 1:
You are not weedleing off my shit to support your fucking meth habit!

Example 2:
You see how messed up that crack addict is? I swear he has the weedles for anything he can sell off or trade for his fix.

Example 3:
Dude, your sister is going through your stuff like she intends to sell it off. If I didn't know any better your sister has the weedles bad.

Example 4:
You think your going to find something you can weedle off?

Example 5:
Let me guess, your dry and need a hit? I'm asking because you look like you got the weedles bad.
by Fractious1 January 5, 2018
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Acronym for SHIT FOR BRAINS.

A descriptor for stupid people and people who either do not think or lack a capacity to think.

A total idiot.
Example 1:
That SFB over there is picking a fight with a cop. I bet he wins a Darwin Award.

Example 2:

Seatack Air traffic control, this is N50669 and I need a landing clearance now. I can n o longer maintain a holding pattern. I am getting a five minute warning on my fuel gauges.

Air Traffic Controller:
N50669, maintain holding pattern until advised to land.

Seatack Air Traffic Control, What is your malfunction SFB? I am 30 seconds into a five minute warning light on my fuel gauges Either you give me a clearance now or I am putting this bird down on top of another airliner because in about four minuets I will be graivity's bitch.

Air Traffic Controller:
N50669, you do not have landing clearance.

Air Traffic Control, Listen SFB, I am at 3 minuets and thirty seconds and counting as I am running out of fuel. I am on approach and the two of us can discuss this malfunction face to face when I land this bird. I am declaring an emergency landing so make way because daddy is coming home!

Example 3:
Your dog is so stupid you should have named him SFB.

What does that mean?

You dog has Shit For Brains.
by Fractious1 June 29, 2018
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