11 definitions by Foznots

The over consumption of blogging sites through excessive posting, reading or both.

A person who snarfleblogs is known as a snarfleblogger
I haven't seen your buddy in days. Is he snarfleblogging again?
by Foznots April 23, 2010
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An athy or athies (plural) is a pejorative term for atheists.

"Athies" is to atheists as the pejorative term "fundies" is to Christians.
"Great, I just got an other athy posting on my blog about how much they hate Christians."
by Foznots March 23, 2009
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Main entry: no (D)
Pronunciation: \ˈnō\ \ˈdē\
Function: noun

1: When a corrupt politician in the Democratic party is mentioned in the liberal media such as a news paper, the party affiliation is almost always dropped unlike Republicans which will have have the party affiliation with the name usually highlighted. You will know if a Republican was arrested if your news paper arrives with a car battery to power the glowing neon signs in front of that politician's party affiliation and name indicating a Republican which will be repeated infinitely.
2: A corrupt Democrat.
"Hey! Look at this paper. Another no (D) was arrested for a pay to play scandal."

"No (D)? Oh you mean another corrupt Democrat was in the paper."
by Foznots August 4, 2009
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1. Any site that encourages you to sign up and blog but immediately rejects every single post due to a vast set of obscure rules with an extremely broad interpretation.

2. Any site that regularly "SNUBS" those who fail to parrot the site's own self-aggrandizing scripts.

3. A web "PAGE" that "SNUBS" thus the term "SNUBPAGES"
Are you still blogging on that site you talked about?

Snubpages kept banning my material.
by Foznots April 25, 2010
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Coffee Enema is a derogatory term for the Coffee Party which is a spin off of the Tea Party.
Will the coffee enemas be marching today?
by Foznots March 6, 2010
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Wow, this shithole reminds me of New Jersey!
by Foznots November 2, 2009
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Day Labor Diego or DLD is a term for the illegal aliens who hang out by a corner somewhere to be picked up by contractors looking for cheep labor. DLD's usually huddle in packs.
I got a contract to build a wall on Main street. If I hire some Day Labor Diego, I can save money on labor and pocket the difference.

Those DLD's work cheep.
by Foznots March 9, 2010
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