36 definitions by Fotofly

to systematically feel up a passenger in an airport, while pretending not to be a pervert.
Latisha, the T.S.A. agent, couldn't wait to get to work so she could "scanhandle" some fat women's breasts.
by Fotofly November 23, 2010
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1. refers to an airline that charges a fee for checked bags, while decreasing the size of their overhead bins to force you into checking luggage.
A-Airlines is such a feebagger, they charged me a fee to check my bags, to use the bathroom, and even to look out the window.
by Fotofly November 29, 2010
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1. a small sharp arrow, shot through a blowgun into the neck of someones screaming child, delivering enough Benadryl into the bloodstream to put the child into a deep sleep for 8 hours.
On the redeye flight to Rome from Atlanta, we were seated behind a screaming three year old brat with oblivious parents. I rolled up my inflight magazine into a tight tube, loaded a "Benadryl Dart" from the handy travel package and pretended to cough into the tube. A perfect shot right in the jugular vein! Minutes later, everyone on the plane enjoyed the silence and drifted off into dreamland (including the pilots).
by Fotofly November 25, 2010
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Flying an aircraft for a company that keeps cutting benefits, safety programs, and salaries in order to give the top executives more money.
Captain Crunch was tired, but he climbed back in the cockpit for another flight. This was no longer fun or profitable. In fact, sometimes he suspected the maintenance wasn't really getting done. He decided to keep his head down and his mouth shut to avoid a beat down by management. The "slaviation" industry had broken his will to resist. The plane took off and exploded in mid-air thirty minutes later.
by Fotofly November 24, 2010
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1. a chicken farm run by large American franchise restaurants that cram as many steroid fed chickens as possible into an unhealthy environment to increase their financial bottom line. These franchises have little or no regard for public health.
I ain't eating that shit bird from a chicken brothel, so don't go to KFC.
by Fotofly December 5, 2010
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1. a mob of brain dead teenagers lining up to see a Justin Beiber concert.

2. what most people say when Beiber's music comes on a nearby radio.
Beiber, dam... turn that crap off! Jesus!, look at that Beiber Dam over there at the fairgrounds.
by Fotofly November 27, 2010
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