1 definition by Flux Pav424

People that live in or derive from Venezuela, a Communist country in South America thats ruled under Hugo Chavez, the biggest ignorant shit in the world.

Venezuelans also have the arrogance and pride of Argentineans, but are annoying ass loud mouths like Cubans. They also can't go two words without saying "Verga" or "Marico".

The worst type of Venezuelans, hands down are the Maracuchos, who before even opening there mouth have already said "Verga" twice and have made five comments about your mom in bed.
Guy 1: Wow, that guy Jose is a real asshole, and he keeps calling me "Marico"
Guy 2: Yeah, he's probably one of those Venezuelans.
by Flux Pav424 April 6, 2011
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