2 definitions by FluteletteColbyTrojan

The voice mail you leave when the call recipient does not answer their phone.
"leave your message at the tone"
"thanks for not answering your phone. B-t-dubs, punishment voice mail."
by FluteletteColbyTrojan September 26, 2012
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An insult, meaning hermaphrodite and a hermit or passive aggressive and a loser.
The hermaphrodite aspect is that this person is a pussy and a dick, or passive (pussy) and aggressive (dick). The hermit aspect is that this person never leaves their home (loser). Take the first syllable of these two words and you are left with the word herm. Herms can usually be identified by the slump in their shoulders, crust on their faces, and incredibly poor social skills. Herms are the kinds of people that will have your car towed instead of telling you that you're parking in their spot, or they will sue your for harassment before telling you that they don't like your being friendly.

herm, herming, hermed (past tense)

To actively be a herm. For example, the point in which said herm (noun) decides to file a noise compliant instead of talking things out one on one, is the point he is herming (verb) or has just hermed (past tense) upon someone. Herming can usually be identified when one chooses to take drastic measures over the simple solution.
"The guy down stairs is such a herm. Why did he call the police and say we were raising can and having a party when we were simply watching television? Even the police man was confused!"

"I have a distinct feeling that the guy downstairs is gonna be herming this weekend. He hermed and filed a noise complaint yesterday when we were just talking in the kitchen!"
by FluteletteColbyTrojan September 26, 2012
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