3 definitions by Fishmad122

When you order just a little bit too much food, and the amount left over seems too small to keep as leftovers, so you eat it because you’d rather not waste it - and now, you’re overfull and your whole meal is ruined.
I mean there’s only one more chicken ball, it can’t hurt…

*10 minutes later*

Oh god no! Chicken regret! I feel so gross!
by Fishmad122 December 8, 2021
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When someone starts doing that evil little laugh like the dog from wacky races
He was watching videos of people hurting themselves, I could tell because he kept mutleying
by Fishmad122 March 18, 2020
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When a place has a food named after it, it's been frankfurted.

Named after the German city frankfurters come from.
Q: Hey why are Hamburgers called that?
A: Someone must have Frankfurted Hamburg.
by Fishmad122 December 19, 2014
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