27 definitions by Figure.10

What every single word on urbandictionary is, according to the pot heads that think there just arn't enough refrences to weed in urbandictionary.
You know, every word you just said is defined here as a slang term for Marajuana.
by Figure.10 July 13, 2009
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A nose fetish is having an extreme liking for noses, either mearly their appearance or the feel of them as well. Both girls and guys can find different shapes of noses particularly apealing.
~ Nose Fetish in action ~

Craig: "What's your favorite thing about ME, then?

Figure.10: *thinks* "Uh...your nose."

Craig: "...WHAT??!?"
by Figure.10 May 29, 2009
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Movies derected at teenagers. They usualy take place in a white, middle class high school where everyone is skinny and the only girl with C-cups is considered fat.

They try to teach you something about fitting in with your peers, or some other bullshit like that.

Spoiler alert- The geeky kid gets a makeover and wins the jock's heart in the end. The mean girls get done-in in a comical, non-imitatable way, and the unsupportive friend gets stuck with a sterotypical loser.
Mom: "So how was school today, sweet potato?"

Figure.10: "It sucked, we did nothing but watch frickin teen movies."
by Figure.10 June 24, 2009
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Northern California. Where the capital, Sacramento, is.

All of the Cali with none of the douchebags.

We have everything you could ever want, and also me.

You wish you were here right now, you know you do.

The best place ever.
by Figure.10 May 29, 2009
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Figure.10: "Don't look now, there's an ugly baby behind you!"

Danni: "Oh shit..come on..back away slowly."

*both back away slowly*
by Figure.10 June 30, 2009
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Southern California.

It has some cool stuff, but lots of nasty people and teenagers with a out of wack sense of entitlement.

Could be worse.
fucktard: "Dude! I just got an STD from some slut in Santa Cruz!"

Figure.10: "damn"

fucktard: "But I did get some nice shoes"

Figure.10: "..." *coughs* "well, that's why they call it So-so Cal."
by Figure.10 July 11, 2009
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The best thing ever.

The pairing of two male characters from any fandom, also used to denote a fanfiction in which this happens- with NON-animu characters!

That is called shohen-ai or something. I can't spell it. I'm not Japanese.

fuckwad: "Did you read that new South Park yaoi doishiji?"

Figure.10: *quizical glance* "Uh..you mean the South Park slash comic?"

fuckwad: "Comic?!?"

Figure.10 *facepalm*

Later that day---

Figure.10: "la la de da la la.."

Rabid fangirls: "ATTACK!!!"


*is killed*
by Figure.10 July 1, 2009
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