15 definitions by Feely7

The people who make plenty of money to support a comfortable lifestyle and don't have to worry as much about their jobs, economy, and other things that stress out the middle-class. Most people look up to the upper middle class because they tend to be the role model for what everyone in America wants to attain aka "The American Dream"...
He has a nice big house in the suburbs, has two BMWs, and kids going to private schools. Definitely upper middle class.
by Feely7 July 25, 2011
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People in society who make well above-average incomes that can afford a comfortable lifestyle. The upper-middle-class tend to be well educated and have a lot of work autonomy in whatever they do for a living. Most upper-middle-class tend to live in more upscale neighborhoods that are too expensive for their counterparts, the middle-class. Therefore, the middle-class and lower classes too, tend to look up to the upper-middle-class and follow in their footsteps.
Take a stroll through Whole Foods on a weekend, you're bound to see many people apart of the upper-middle-class.
by Feely7 May 4, 2011
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A popular milestone in a person's life, during a time when they were a teenager. This phrase is used to show a contrast between back when you were a teenager, and now, presumably as an adult. It's also commonly used by an adult or older person to show how things are different from a person currently in high school.
Back in high school...I had to walk 10 miles to school, and have at least 5 hours of homework every night. It wasn't like today where kids have their own cars and have tutors.
by Feely7 May 18, 2011
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A place where you spend some of the hardest years of growing up. Where peer pressure, relationships, college prep, schoolwork, and just dumbass drama all come together. Many different kinds of people attend this place, some of which do not get along, which provides plenty of drama around you if you are not already in it. There are four years in high school: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior years.

Freshman: The easiest year. No college around the corner, easy core classes, no AP. Basically 8th grade again.

Sophomore: You think you're badass cause you're not a freshman. Work is getting harder, you've heard the word college and that you need to do something about getting there.

Junior: The "holy crap college isn't that far away" year. SAT & ACT to worry about, looking at colleges, thinking about the future. making sure you have a passable gpa for college. The hardest year.

Senior: You're at the top. Unless you're a total dumbass you don't care about being an upperclassman. Can't wait for college so high school can finally be over, and you can get as far away as possible.
Freshman: OMG this work is soooo hard I had to do a two page book report... so tired!

Junior: You haven't done nothing yet. Get ready for real high school.
by Feely7 August 22, 2011
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A time of year that is extremely magical and exciting when you're young, then becomes less exciting as you get older.

ages 1-5: Believe in santa, super excited, everything is new and magical, get a ton of gifts

ages 6-10: May or may not still believe in santa, still get a lot of gifts, very exciting.

ages 11-15: Don't believe in santa, thus the excitement factor is reduced greatly. Christmas is starting to seem more like a routine.

ages 16 and beyond: Christmas is nothing new, your parents give you less because you're older. YOU actually are expected to get others gifts. Wish you could go back to being a little kid on christmas.
6 year old at christmas time: "Santa is coming soon! I'm so excited! I wonder if he'll bring me a race car that I asked for!"

17 year old at christmas time: Studying for finals, Christmas comes and all they get are socks.
by Feely7 December 22, 2011
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The first legit year of high school. This is the year when you start to have a more authentic high school experience unlike freshman year. Most people are turning 16, you can get your license, get a job, and have a lot more independence overall. Classes are harder than the year before, more is expected of you. You kind of have to have some idea of what college you want to go to so you can a head start on requirements etc. despite all the hype of not being a freshman anymore, you're still not really an "upperclassmen" until junior year. unfortunately.
Freshman: "Eh, I hate being a freshman, it's boring and basically like 8th grade."

Sophomore: "It'll get better. Next year you can get your drivers license and stuff. sophomore year is where it's at."
by Feely7 January 25, 2011
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when you watch the new freshman come to your school and are annoyed by their behavior. and then you begin to realize you were actually the same way.
I went to the freshman quad and was so annoyed by their general stupidness. then i realized that i acted the same way last year...major sophomore shock."
by Feely7 January 24, 2011
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