1 definition by FattyMcGee\m/

A super sweet, amazing, cute, caring guy. He usually has extremely curly brown hair, chocolate eyes, is super tall, and makes you laugh so hard your sides hurts for weeks! A Marshall is someone who is always there for you, no matter how much you screw up, or how much you complain about it. He's an amazing friend, a beastly boyfriend, and everyone loves him. He loves rock and rap, is the future Eminem, and is a rebel kid that's not afraid to be himself.
"I talked to Marshall today!"- Blondie

"Seriously? I fucking love that kid."- Fatty McGee

"I knowww! He's fucking hilarious, I've never laughed that hard in my entire life!"- Blondie
by FattyMcGee\m/ January 14, 2012
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